Chapter 6

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"I don't get why the pep rally is compulsory, I don't care about football." I moaned to PJ as we walked to the gym.

"I think this will be good for you, you've been miserable all week." PJ replied. "Maybe seeing some girls shake pom poms and dance around in little white skirts will cheer you up." She nudged my shoulder.

"Not when the girl doing the shaking and dancing is the same girl who broke my heart." I said miserably. "I've managed to avoid Isabel almost all week and now I'm forced to sit and watch her and her friends on the grounds that I'll feel some school spirit. It's bullshit."

"That's the patriarchy for you, always forcing women to do things we don't want to do just to give men an ego boost." PJ shocked me by saying something about the patriarchy that almost made sense. "At least after this shit show is over, we can go home and enjoy our weekend free of Isabel and Jeff's bullshit."

"True." I agreed, walking into the gym. I locked eyes with Isabel, a pain shooting through my heart. I looked away to follow PJ up the bleachers. We sat down in the seats Hazel had saved us.

"What's up lads?" She greeted us. I gave Hazel a smile and watched as PJ kissed her on the cheek. Sometimes I forget they can be sweet and aren't always horny freaks.

"Did you want to go out tomorrow?" Hazel asked PJ. "We could go on a little diner date?"

"Yeah, I'd like that, I've been craving those curly fries all week." PJ grabbed Hazels hand as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Oh, uhh, you can come too." Hazel offered to me once she escaped PJ's eyes and remembered I'm here. "I don't want to leave you out."

"Thanks Hazel but I'm fine." It pained me that since Isabel moved on, even Hazel pities me. Though it was nice of her to try and include me. "I don't want to see you guys being all gay and in love, I'll stay home and watch a movie with my mom or something."

"Welcome to the Rockbridge Falls pep rally." Principal Myers announced over the sound system. "Make some noise for our football team!"

The students surrounding us erupted in applause and cheers. PJ and I sat expressionless, acting out a slow, unenthusiastic clap, waiting for this to be over.

"Welcome everyone!" Tim said in his sickly-sweet voice. "Thanks for coming to the pep rally, up first, cheerleaders."

Isabel and the cheerleaders walked up and stood in an arrow formation. I gulped again at the sight of the girl who broke my heart.

The cheerleaders turned around one at a time, each with a hand on their hip. Stella-Rebecca stood at the tip of the formation and the two girls next to her poured a bottle of water of her face and chest.

"I thought you said they were talented." PJ said to me under the cheers of our classmates. "They're just making Stella-Rebecca's shirt go see through. Wait, why am I complaining?"

I laughed at my pervy friend while Hazel smacked her on the back.

"I am no better than a man." PJ admitted.

"They are talented, when I watched their practice, they could really dance." I replied. "I guess Tim doesn't want them outshining Jeff and the team."

"Thank you, ladies." Tim spoke into the microphone as the cheerleaders ran to sit down on the bleachers.

The microphone squeaked as it was snatched out of Tim's hand.

"Listen up." I heard a far too familiar voice say. Isabel. I looked up and locked eyes with her, my stomach filling with nerves at her unexpected behaviour.

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