The Beginning of Complicated

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[Author's notes: This story takes place during the filming of season 5 of the Flash - this is all for fun. I love Grant and his wife, so there is no hate towards her, I just really like Grandice too - I hope you enjoy it.]

Candice's POV
It's 8 am, and I am getting ready to head to set. We had a week break from filming because this week is our last week of filming before summer hiatus, and today is the first time I'll see Grant since he announced his engagement to LA. Don't get me wrong, besides the fact that I don't think she likes me that much, LA is amazing, sweet, kind and she makes Grant happy, but it still hurts to see Grant happy with someone other than me. The engagement really just verified that there will never be an us again which stings a lot, but if he's happy I am happy for him because that's what bestfriends do, and maybe one day I'll feel this way for someone else and he will be happy for me. *buzz* My phone goes off, which knocks me out of my daze... and guess who it's from, Grant, it says. ["Hey I really need someone to talk to right now is there anyway you can come over after we wrap tonight"] Me being the good friend that I am I reply ["Yeah of course"] then he said ["Thanks you're the best"] and I reply with ["I know😁"] God I really hope we aren't gonna be talking about LA again.

Grant's POV
It's 7 am in the morning and I am just waking up to get ready for work when I realize LA isn't in the bed so I quickly get ready and head out the room to find her "LA... LA... babe, where are you" I can't find her anywhere until I see her sitting outside with tears running down her face. I walk outside to comfort her, and she pulls away from me. G: " hey baby what's wrong you know you can talk to me" L: " that's the problem though I can't talk to you about this" G: " why not" L: " because it evolves Garrett". Garrett was the guy LA was with before me that had broken her heart when he broke up with her because he was moving across the country, but what does he have to do with anything revolving around her now... G: " what do you mean it's about Garrett" L: " I mean he was in town on his way to see me actually when he suddenly got in a really bad accident leaving him in a coma and they don't know if he will wake up" G: " hey you know this isn't your fault right" L: "yeah but I feel obligated to go see him and be there for him" G: " and that's ok we can go together" L: "that's the problem I need to go alone and be with him and focus on him at least until he wakes up". As soon as she says that, I start to think about what she meant, and I was exactly right. G: " what do you mean" L: "I mean, we need a break, at least until he is awake". G: "but LA I love you" L: " and I love you too but for now he is a priority and I really hope you understand why I'm doing this and that this isn't goodbye just see you later" tears start to fall down both our eyes as we hug and she walks back inside. Within the span of the next 30 minutes, LA had packed some of her stuff and left. It was now 8 am, and I needed to pull myself together because I had to be at work in 30 minutes. As I walk out the door I see a picture of me and Candice and it brings back all the memories, she was my first love, my first everything but it was better for us to be just friends for our careers. God, I wish we had never broken up *alarm* my alarm to leave the house goes off, but before I leave, I get the idea to text Candice.

Candice's POV
We had a pretty chill day on set, so we all wrapped by 4, which was really nice except for Grant. He wrapped at 3. I actually didn't have any alone scenes with Grant today which was kinda sad because I look forward to them because I can fantasize about us really being a couple like we used to be, but it's ok because we are gonna hang out later. I say bye to Jesse and Carlos, get into my car, and head to Grant's apartment after shooting a text saying ["otw"]. 15 minutes later, I arrive at his apartment and knock on the door.

Grant's POV
I was on the couch watching tv when I heard a knock on the door. I walk to the door and see that it's Candice. G: "hey come in" C: "is LA home" G: " no, she's actually what I wanted to talk to you about" I close the door and lead her back to the couch so we can talk. C: "so what about LA do you want to talk about" G: "well we kinda sorta broke up"

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