Chapter 1: Are you deaf?!

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Your outfit is above, Jsyk.


Y/n's POV

Run. That's what I was doing. Running from what you may ask? Her. That witch. That monster. They called her Azula. Disgusting name if you ask me, Azula. Feels like slime on your tongue. I was running because she was trying to catch me, to hide me, to use me. I am done being her puppet, her clay, her clone. I'm not hers. I'm my own, no one's property, no one's slave, no one's prize. As I was running, she was behind me, or at least I thought she was. She may be fast, but I'm faster. I rush through the woods and run smack-dab into something. I fall flat on my butt head spinning, and look up at the thing, or rather person I ran into. He was tall and looked a couple years ahead of my age, maybe fifteen? I didn't get a chance to ask because the world slowly faded to black.


Sokka's POV

What. Just. Happened. I was just walking back to camp when I herd someone running towards me. I had just enough time to turn around before the person ran into me. I stumbled back but didn't fall down because I'm just that amazingly strong. The person, or girl that ran into me landed flat on her butt. 'That look like it hurt' She looked at me while rubbing her head but immediately started swaying and then proceeded to drop her upper body down, unconscious. I am still confused but I look around. 'Someone must have been chasing her since she was running that fast' I look around and stay silent for about a minute but hear and see nothing. I look back down at the girl and see that she's wearing fire nation clothing. My mind told me, 'Don't trust her, she might be fire nation' But my instincts told me, 'She's not like the others, take her with you back to camp' I decided to go with my instincts. I pick her up bridal style and head back to camp. Cause I mean, when have my instincts ever steered me wrong?


Katara's POV

"Sokka's coming. His footsteps seem heavier though. He must have found a ton of berries." I hear Toph say as I sit up from where I was resting on Appa's leg. Aang uses his airbending to get off of Appa's saddle. He lands next to me as I stand up. I look over towards the woods where Sokka first went off and I see him walk out carrying...A GIRL! 

"Sokka! Why are you carrying a girl!" I yell at him.

"I found her while I was heading back." He shrugged. 'Uhg, he's impossible' 

"Why is she wearing fire nation clothes?" I ask when I notice the red attire she's wearing.

"The heck if I know." He places her on his sleeping bag and walks off to get a rag.

"You can't just bring a random fire nation girl back to camp with you!" I scold him. "What if she's working with Azula!" He walks back over to her and puts a wet rag on her forehead.

"My instincts told me she was different from the rest of them."

"Again with your 'Instincts'!" I pinch the bridge of my nose. He just shrugs me off and continues treating the girl. I let out a sigh and decide that there's no way of getting him to change his mind, so I walk over to help him. 


Time skip brought to you by Toph being blind🙃


Y/n's POV

I sit up quickly and immediately my head starts to throb. I look around an I don't see my usual metal walled room, I see woods and trees. Two boys and two girls run up to me, and all start talking at once. Of course I can't hear a thing. I'm deaf. I have been for years. I look up at the boy, who I assumed took me here since I ran into him while running, and see his mouth form the words, "Are you deaf?!" 

"Um actually I am deaf, and the only reason I know what you said is because I've seen it mouthed way to may times." I retort back with a hit of attitude. All of their mouths stop moving and they go silent. The girl to his right steps closer to me and signs, "My name is Katara, what's yours?"

"My name is Y/n. But you can call me n/n." I say back, with my annoyance gone. 'At least I can talk to somebody' She smiles at me and I smile back. "Do they know sign language?" I ask looking at the others. 

"No they don't, sorry." 

"It's okay." I reply with a saddened tone. 'This is going to be interesting'


OMG GUYS THAT TOOK ME AN HOUR EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T THAT MUCH! Anyways, I will most likely be posting once a week so... yeah. Until next time loveys!


Stay Hear With Me (pun intended) Toph x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now