"This is you're Backstory!" -Norm

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Excuse my Phineas and Ferb quote☺

⚠Be warned, abuse is mentioned!⚠

This is just Y/n talking about her past, so no real dialogue between the gaang.


I was adopted when I was two. I never met my real parents. My adoptive parents found me unconscious on the side of a small stream near their home. They took me in and raised me until I was ten. That's when they found out I could firebend, and not just any fire, blue fire. They were part of the earth kingdom, so they hated me for it. I could tell my mother still had an attachment to me though, since I was the closest thing to a real child that she could get. My dad, on the other hand, despised me and wanted me gone as soon as possible. 

Their house was away from any towns since the fire nation was harassing the citizens. They decided to take me to town and sell me to the fire nation. I was only ten and had never gone out at all, so I didn't know what was going on. I was just excited to be going somewhere other than staying cooped up inside all day. 

When we finally got to town, we immediately spotted some fire nation soldiers and my dad walked over to them. I was hiding behind my mom, grappling with her skirt, while she had her hand on my shoulder. After a little while, my dad took a bag from the man and turned to me. He yanked my arm and pushed me over to the soldiers. My mom was quietly crying as one of them took my other arm and led me away. I never saw them again. 

I was escorted to the fire nation in a boat. They took me to the palace and presented me to a man, Firelord Ozai. He asked me to show him my "magic", and so I did. He had a very impressed face, and told the guards something that was along the lines of "Yes, she's the one.". 

They then escorted me to a room that was dimly lit. There was only a bed with red and black sheets, a fire nation tapestry, and a red armwar. The walls and floor were made of metal. It was cold against my bare feet. I crawled over to the bed and just collapsed, letting myself cry for the first time in my entire life. I feel asleep while softly crying. When I woke up, there was a plate of food on the floor by the door. I went over to it and scarfed it down, since I hadn't eaten since I was on the boat. After I finished, I went back to bed and fell asleep.

 The second time I woke up, I stayed up. Wanting to see who was bringing me the food, so I could ask what I was doing there. I waited for about an hour. The door finally opened to reveal a girl. She looked about three years older than me. (I make Azula three years older than she actually is. jsyk) Her eyes were an amber color, her hair was coal black, and her smirk...was...terrifying. She leaned against the door and just looked at me with a sick smile on her face. "So your my new clone," She stated.

"Wha-what?" I asked, confused.

"Your fire is blue, right?"


"Okay, good. Names' Azula, what's yours?"

"Oh um, m-my n-name is Y-Y/n."

"I think I'm going to call you...AC. For Azula Clone."


"No one explained it to you?" I shook my head. She walks over to me and stands directly over me. "You can produce blue fire. I can produce blue fire. So, I am going to train you to be like my clone, and an exact copy of me." I looked at her in disbelief.


"You'll figure it out soon enough." She turned around and walked towards the door, but before she left, she turned her head and said, "Sweet dreams, AC." She flashed me a smirk and closed the door behind her. I sat there taking everything in. Eventually, I fell into a restless sleep.

 For the next few weeks, my body was beaten and bruised. Some were from training, but some were from disobeying. After a year came a big test to see if I was ready to go out and fight.

 My task was to burn down a small earth kingdom town. I went to the town and started to burn the place to a crisp. I hated every second of it, but if I didn't burn it all, I would be a goner and would probably never get my revenge on the fire nation for all the pain they've caused to all the other nations. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the man sneaking up behind me. He sends a large piece of rock my way, and I notice it just in time to shoot a bolt of lightning. Protecting myself from the blow. But, that was exactly what he wanted. The rock contained gunpowder in it. The man covered his ears, but it was too late for me. I was blown back by the explosion and everything went black.

 I woke up a few days later. Azula was the first to check on me, although it was probably to see when I could start training again. I found that I couldn't hear anything she was saying. As she was talking, I just stared at her confused. She then started screaming at me, and when I gave no reaction, she slapped me. I started to cry, I shouted back at her that I couldn't hear a thing and her face suddenly dropped. "Do you know sign language?" she signed to me.

"Yes, my parents taught me when I was growing up, since my mom was half deaf," I said back. She just nodded and signed back, 

"We'll start training again tomorrow." Then, she left the room.

The next two years went by quickly. With hardcore training and more punishments, I was becoming a firebending master. I also met Azula's two friends, Ty Lee and Mei. Ty Lee was fun and energetic. While Mei was quiet and reserved. They were both nice to me though.

 Last week they decided to take me with them to capture the avatar. I was nervous because of what happened last time I left the palace, but it was my only chance to escape. So I went with them. Of course, Azula didn't trust me to be left alone anywhere, so I was always with Ty, Mei, or her. But when they went to attack you yesterday, I saw my chance to escape. So right before the train exploded, I jumped out and ran towards the woods. I thought Azula was behind me, but I couldn't tell. Since I'm deaf, I ran for...I don't know how long, until I ran into Sokka here. So...yeah, that's basically my life story.


OML 1150+ WORDS!!! THAT TOOK ME 1 HOUR AND 30 MINS! And the only reason I know that is because I put on 10 hours of "Quirky Worky Song from Phineas and Ferb.(The video is at the top, if you don't know what I'm taking about) LOLL<3 Anyways, love ya'll and hope you enjoyed your backstory! Bye loveys!


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