♡ chapter nine ♡

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Its been weeks since Yeonjun walked away from me that day during lunch. Of course I still see him. We have first period together, eat lunch together, and have been hanging out with the group every weekend just like we planned. But, I haven't spoken to him since that day, since my world turned to shit. 

Now don't hate me for what I'm about to say but, I miss him. 

He was my first boyfriend, and I don't even know if were still together but- it just feels like we aren't so, I guess we aren't? After I walked away from him that day I ran straight to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I didn't even realize how long I'd been in there until Beomgyu called me telling me he had my things and would be waiting for me until I was ready, lunch was already over. 

We finished our paper that night, and ended up hanging out with the group the next day, so Yeonjun really had no reason to be mad. I'm still mad at him for being so jealous over my friendship with Gyu, he's just a friend, what more can I say? 

I have grown closer to the boy though. He walks me to class after lunch now that Yeonjun doesn't anymore, and I've probably snuck out at least twice just to see him in the last week. I love hanging out with him, just as friends though. What I really admire about him though, is how great of a listener he is. Most of the time when we hangout I'm ranting about Yeonjun, about how much I hate him but miss him and how on some days I just want to punch him in the face but others I just wanna kiss him, and he listens, and he's there when I cry. 

Usually I'd cry about this stuff to Vivian because I'm too embarrassed but, he doesn't give me any reason to feel embarrassed. He makes me feel like I can tell him anything, and that's why he's such a great friend. 

Friend, that's all he is, I wish Yeonjun understood that. 

Other than boy problems though, student council has been great. Our first school dance is in a week and I've had so much fun planning it. Not to mention, me and Soobin came up with the theme which is super awesome because everybody seems to love it. 

Alex has been thriving in soccer. He's had two games so far and girls around the school are fawning all over him, its disgusting. But, he seems really happy and that's all I want for him. 

As of right now, I don't have a date to the dance. It's kind of weird, Soobin, Kai and Taehyun all of dates and keep making fun of me for not having one. I think it's because I'm the only girl in the group, so they just want to tease me, its like I'm their little sister. 

Beomgyu won't tell us if he has one or not, I keep trying to get it out of him but he just won't budge. And Yeonjun? I have no idea. He hasn't spoken about it, at least not to me. But I hope he doesn't, because if he does, I think it'll just break my heart, because that means we actually have broken up.

Whatever, I shouldn't care. What I should worry about right now is the board in front of me. When I finally refocus my eyes on Mr. Hwangs lesson the bell rings and I pray to god the lesson he was just teaching wasn't important enough for me to know. 

I gather all my things and wait alongside Beomgyu as Taehyun finishes packing up. Beomgyu hands me a book causing my eyebrows to furrow, "What's this?" I say grabbing it from him, "Its your Chemistry book, you left it at the library yesterday." 

"You guys had a library date? How adorable!" Taehyun says sarcastically, Yeonjun turns around and walks out of the classroom clearly upset. I punch Tae in the arm and throw my head up, "Now look at what you've done." I say making my way out of the classroom to follow after Yeonjun. Once I finally catch up to him I walk side by side with him, just in silence. 

I'm carrying three books in my arms and feel one fall right off the top. I groan once again and reach down to get it but someones already beat me to it, Yeonjun. He grabs my book from the floor and instead of handing it back, he just continues to walk forward. 

I smile a little realizing this is the first interaction we've had since that day. I catch up with him and just make my way to class. When we finally arrive he stops in his tracks and turns to face me, handing me my book. 

I open my mouth to thank him but before I can even speak, he engulfs me in a hug. I immediately gasp, not expecting it. But then, as if I've been waiting for this moment, I soak into the hug and start crying, not realizing until now just how much I've missed him. 

He pulls away from the hug and its now when I notice that he's crying too. I chuckle which causes him to smile, "What?" He says, I shake my head and laugh some more, "We just look really stupid right now." I say. He finally laughs and god how much it made me melt. He carrasses my cheek with his thumb, "I'm really sorry Ari. I don't care about you and Beomgyu's friendship, I was more worried I'd loose you. Is there any way you can forgive me?" 

I stare up at him and smile, "If you ever get jealous again for no reason, I will punch you in the balls." I say, his eyes widen like crazy and we both hear a laugh. We turn to look and sure enough, the boys are standing there watching the scene play out. 

"I would pay thousands of dollars to see that happen Ari." Kai says, "Really? I'd pay millions!" Taehyun adds. I look over at Beomgyu before sighing, focusing back on Yeonjun.

"One more thing, he's become my best friend. So if I want to spend time with him, and laugh with him, and work on homework with him I can, because he's my friend. I think you owe him an apology too, please." I say to Yeonjun. 

"No Ari its fine he doesn't-"

"No Beomgyu she's right, I'm sorry something like this happened. I guess I just thought you'd try and take her away from me, which I understand is really stupid of me to think. I'm really sorry dude, we good?" Yeonjun says opening his arms for a hug. There's a pause before Beomgyu finally hugs him and the boys cheer. 

"Finally this whole thing is over!" Taehyun yells cheering, I chuckle before walking over to the rest of them and reaching out for Yeonjun's hand.

"You know what, let's skip class you guys. I don't got anything going on in my class." Tae says. 

"I think we're just taking notes but I can get them from someone so, I'm in!" Kai adds, "Me and Yeonjun are just working on a packet from yesterday, we want to go too." Soobin says, they all look at me and Beomgyu. 

Beomgyu looks at me and shrugs, "We're probably just taking notes?" He says, I hesitate for a second since Chemistry is my hardest subject, but he's right. We're probably just taking notes which we could copy online. Besides, it'd be fun to finally hangout without any elephant in the room. 

"Oh let's just go!" I finally say. The boys all cheer and Taehyun throws his arm around me before we all walk together making our way to Soobin's car. 

It feels good to be back. 


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