♡ chapter thirty four ♡

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"Please tell me you guys aren't seeing THESE all around school too?"

I'm holding one of Alex and Taehyuns soccer portraits in my hand with the words "NO GAYS ALLOWED IN BALL" written on the top. Once I seen it I immediately sprinted to find Beomgyu who is with Soobin at his locker. 

Soobin sighs, "I already told Mr Hwang, he's having some kids from student council take them down. But the more they take down, the more pop right back up." 

"Okay so have them check the cameras, this is outrageous!" I say frustrated ripping the papers in the air. 

Soobin looks at me shocked, "Ariana! You have to pick these up!" He says quickly picking up my scraps from the floor. Beomgyu swings his backpack over his shoulder and steps over Soobin. 

"Baby its fine we'll-" 

"Beomgyu its not fine! This is the whole reason Taehyun didn't want to come out and be open about his relationship with my brother. This could mess up things entirely for them and I don't want that to ha-" 

"Did you guys see these around school?" Alex says holding up one of the posters with a huge grin on his face, "Its hilarious!" 

I slowly turn to face the boy with a confused look on my face. My back leans against Beomgyu's chest as his hands lay softly on my shoulders, "Uh- excuse me? You think these are...funny?" I ask, my brother nods. 

"Totally! Oh but- I don't think Soobin thinks it's hilarious..." Alex says looking at a grumpy Soobin cleaning up the mess from before. Taehyun walks up and throws his arm over Alex's shoulder, "Jeez Soobin if you hated our relationship that much you could have just told us." Taehyun says, Soobin finally stands up.

"IT WAS-" Soobin yells before taking a deep breathe. "You know what- I'm over it." He says throwing the pieces in the trash before walking to our lunch table. Alex and Taehyun follow after him giggling as I look up at Beomgyu still shocked. 

He holds onto my hand and follows after the boys. I clear my throat, "So uh- the photos don't bother you?" I ask Taehyun, he shakes his head.

"You're bound to have haters, especially when you're gay." He says.

"Yeah! Plus- it's not like they're going to kick off their two BEST players just because they're gay." Alex says, Taehyun nods in agreement. 

"Like cmon- I'M the captain. And- if we weren't on the team our school would loose every game thrown at us. Trust me, those posters are just an ego boost." Taehyun says leading my brother to our usual table. Me and Beomgyu stop in our tracks as I stare at the two in astonishment. 

"You okay?" Beomgyu asks me, slightly rubbing my hand with his thumb. I look up at him and smile, "Never better, I'm glad they're able to ignore something so hateful towards them." I say.

"Well...Taehyun's always been that way. I'd say- they're gonna be just fine." He says looking over at our friends, I follow his gaze.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I do wonder who put those signs up in the first place though..." I say softly, Beomgyu focuses back on me.

"Hey!" He says snapping me out of my trance as he cups my face in his hands, "Don't worry about it! They're good, we're good, everything is good. Besides, it was probably just some girls who wished they could be in either of their positions, okay?"

I sigh, "You're probably right, I'll stop worrying." 

He smiles, "Perfect. Now lets go~ I'm hungry and I seen strawberries in your lunch box earlier that looked yummy." He says leading me hand in hand to the table as I laugh. 

Hmmm, I still wonder...

Who put those photos up?

Eh, who cares. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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