♡ chapter eighteen ♡

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I take my time walking up there. I know he's there, and I know once I see him I'll be tongue tied.

My whole way here I've just been asking myself, why? Why am I going to see him? He's made it quite clear he doesn't want to try, at least not with me.

Maybe he's still in love with Myra. From what Soobin's told me, I'm sure he felt something with her. Maybe I was his rebound, there's no way he ever felt something with me.

But did I feel something with him? That's the real question.

And if so, why am I so conflicted? Why do I think about Beomgyu all the time?

As I grow closer, I start to feel more anxious. But I need to see him, I need to know if my decision is the right one.

The sparkly fairy lights come into view when I notice a silhouette behind the white curtains.

The curtains weren't down when I came, they were up. Almost as if he doesn't want anyone to see him.

It takes me a few seconds before I start to walk over the beautiful lake, wishing that instead of the unusual feeling I have right now, I had the feeling from when I first saw it.

I pull the curtain backwards and am shocked when I see him, "Beomgyu?!"

He looks up from his guitar and stares straight at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, he scoffs.

"ME? What are you doing here? How do you even know about this place?" He asks me while putting his guitar down and standing up to face me.

I walk closer to him, "Yeonjun took me here once, he said-"

"Of course he did-" He says shaking his head, "He just had to ruin our special spot huh?" He says sitting back down.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Wait- your special place? He said he built this himself."

He looks up at me again and just stares at me. I like when he looks at me, that's why I didn't say anything. It made me a little sad when he turned his gaze to the drawer beside him and pulled out a photo from it.

"This was us when we were 12, we made this together." He says handing me the photo.

I look down at it and see a little Beomgyu and Yeonjun in front of a barely built gazebo. A smile grows on my face as I chuckle, "You guys look happy."

"Yeah, we were." He says snatching the photo back from me.

"Tell me why you're here again." He asks.

"I came to talk to Yeonjun. He's been telling his Mom he was staying at Soobin's but he hasn't, nobody has heard from him. I figured he'd be here since nobody else knows about this place but instead, you're here."

"Ouch." He says, I roll my eyes.

I sit down beside him as he picks up his guitar again. He starts to strum it lightly, completely drowned in the music.

♡ a perplex love ♡ beomgyu ffWhere stories live. Discover now