Prologue: Day By Day

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It was still hard to believe even now. Hard to believe that six months ago that the Vytal Festival, once a time to celebrate unity and peace between the kingdoms, had been changed into a grim reminder that during the festival, the world woke up from peace and was now at war.

What was also hard to believe for Silver was that the White Fang had become everything the news had labeled them as. Terrorists. Extremists. And a genuine threat to the kingdoms. Although many of the White Fang's recruits left when they became what they are now, the damage had already been done.

Things had only gotten worse for the Faunus as a whole. Many of them had lost their jobs and were evicted from their homes as the prejudice and hatred rose to even greater heights, attracting Grimm from miles around. So many died because they couldn't let go of their hatred and fear towards the Faunus, and those that survived shifted the blame to them instead of their own misplaced feelings.

It was here, on the outskirts of a small village in Anima that a Grimm attack was being repelled by Team SJPNWR (Sleipnir). A combination of Team JNPR, and two members of Team RWBY, led by Silver. The Bat Faunus had just cut down a Beringel when he was sent flying by a Geist covering itself in stone.

"Bad! Landing! Strategy!" He grunted as he smacked into three separate tree branches.

He stood up and growled at the Grimm as it deflected several of Penny's own attacks and went to attack her, sending her into the ground before Nora hit it with Magnhild's grenade launcher form, getting its attention. Silver changed Harbinger into its sawed-off form and fired at the Geist's stone body, infusing the round with magic to give it more power and managed to crack the thing's arm before he used Ruby's Semblance to evade the incoming attack.

They had been at this for a few hours now, and they were starting to wear the Grimm down, but not fast enough.

"Penny! Plasmacaster!" He shouted.

Penny landed in front of Silver and readied herself for the incoming surge of power from Silver, who struck her with a bolt of lightning which overcharged her beam, allowing her to blast off the Geist's right arm. It roared in aggravation before it replaced the lost weapon with a massive tree.

"White Knight!" Silver ordered.

Weiss and Jaune rushed forward and Weiss hit Jaune with a temporal Glyph that made him faster as he attacked the creature's leg, forcing it to its knees.

"Renora!" Silver shouted.

Nora surged forward using Magnhild and went for a swing as Ren stepped on the weapon, before Nora launched him at the Geist's core, but it blocked the attack with its rock shield before swatting him aside and into Nora.

"Dang it!" Jaune said in frustration. "Now what!?"

"Weiss! Ice Queendom!" Silver replied before activating Weiss' Semblance.

Weiss stabbed Myrtenaster into the ground and used her Semblance to summon her Arma Gigas and a large number of Beowolves as Silver summoned his three Wendigo, a swarm of Lancers, and Big Bird. The Geist was slowly overwhelmed by the large number of summoned Grimm and it was brought low.

"It's down!" Penny said.

"Lightning Rod!" Silver shouted.

Weiss chambered the Lightning Dust in Myrtenaster and shot it at Nora, who used her Semblance to absorb the shock and strengthen herself before Weiss created a Glyph to launch Nora at the Geist. She swung at the Grimm, and it blocked her attack, but its body shattered when she hit it. The Geist, now without its protective shell tried to gather more rubble to protect itself, but stopped when it saw Silver in the air with Crescent Rose aimed at it.

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