Chapter Five: Poisoned Schnee

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-Kuo Kuana. Belladonna house.-

Yang and Blake had been on high alert after their run-in with the White Fang assassin they had fought the night prior. A million questions were running through Yang's head at once. Were they safe here? Who sent that assassin? Did he know they were here?

How did Blake know them?

Sun was still out cold and currently lying in Silver's old bed. It was here that Yang learned that when he was a kid, he was a rather avid fan of Grimmzilla, and Guns & Grimm. The room had looked untouched before they entered it, and Yang had a slight appreciation for it as well.

"Hey." Blake said, breaking Yang out of her thoughts. "I brought some tea."

"Thanks." Yang replied, taking the cup gratefully. "How did your parents take the news that we were attacked?"

"Mom was more put together, and was just glad we were unhurt. For the most part." Blake said. "Dad was furious though. I have a feeling he and Sienna are going to have words soon."

"They're good folks, your mom and dad." Yang said. "They remind me of Dad and Summer, Ruby's Mom."

"Summer was your mom too, Yang." Blake replied, trying to comfort her partner. "And I think she'd be proud of you."

"No she wouldn't." Yang stated. "I promised her Blake. I promised Summer that I would always keep Ruby safe, and now she's in the captivity of an enemy that has no doubt tortured her! I..."

She covered her face with her hands and just sobbed. No longer able to contain her grief and anger. She barely registered Blake hugging her, trying to calm her down.

"I'm scared, Blake..." Yang said, her voice wavering slightly. "I... I can't lose Ruby... She's all Dad and I have left of Mom..."

"You won't." Blake whispered, rubbing circles on Yang's back. "Don't lose hope. We will get Ruby back. I... I promise."

It took a few minutes for Yang to finally calm down and dry her eyes. When she finally stopped, she gave Blake a grateful smile and returned the hug she got from the Cat Faunus, before finally deciding to address the Goliath in the room.

Before she could though, Sun started stirring as he came to. His every muscle hurts and his body felt painfully stiff as he opened his eyes, then let out a pained hiss as he covered them.

"Man..." He groaned. "Did anyone get the number of the Kirin who hit me?"

"Welcome back, Monkey Boy." Yang said. "How do you feel?"

"Like I got hit with a hundred tasers at once." Sun retorted.

"Speaking of, who was that girl?" Yang asked. "Sounds to me like you knew her, Blake. Another ex we should know about?"

"Her name is Ilia Amitola." Blake began. "And no, we... Weren't together, I was still dating Ad..."

She paused and gave Yang an apologetic look.

"It's okay, Kitten." She said. "I need to get over my fear of him sooner or later. Might as well start now."

Blake took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I was still dating Adam when we met, but she definitely had feelings for me." Blake began again. "She used to live in Atlas, and joined the White Fang's Atlas Branch when her parents were killed in a mine collapse. Like Silver, she's one of the few Faunus whose animal feature is subtle so she can easily pass off as human at a glance."

"Think she knew Silver?" Sun asked.

"Yeah. They were close friends before he left." Blake replied. "She excels in stealth and subterfuge thanks to her ability to camouflage, and as Sun experienced, her weapon is a rapier that can turn into an electrified whip."

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