Chapter Eight: Welcome to Mistral

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-Branwen Bandit Camp. Animus.-

Raven hated this. She could say that with great confidence that she hated being in her current position. She was very much used to holding all the cards. She was used to being the one who held the edge against the people she dealt with.

But against Silver Rose, son of Summer Rose, who knew she was the current Spring Maiden, she was under his thumb in an instant.

Well... Maybe not under his thumb.

She eyed the woman in her hut warily, hating that confident smirk that seemed to be perpetually present on her face, watching her like a hawk.

Neopolitan was an enigma to Raven that remained an annoyingly tough nut to crack. The Branwen Tribe was a name feared by all of Anima, but in recent days, they had several tussles with the White Fang who proved to be stalwart in their belief and fervor. Even though there were a few Faunus in her tribe, those fanatics didn't care as each time both sides fought, Raven had to bury more bodies afterwards.

And she was running out of people.

"You just gonna stand there the whole time you're here?" Raven asked, earning a shrug from Neo in response. "What, you're just Silver's lapdog or something?"

Neo smirked before using her Semblance to resemble Silver, before pointing at the Spring Maiden, then to herself as she deactivated her Semblance.

"I'm no one's lapdog, bitch." Raven sneered as Neo rolled her eyes in response. "So why follow Silver on a suicide mission?"

Neo just maintained her smile but made no motion to answer the Spring Maiden, which annoyed her.

"You realize I can kill you without even drawing my sword, right skank?" Raven asked, earning her a light swat on her arm as Neo made a motion saying 'try it'. "What, cat got your tongue or something?"

Neo made an annoyed face before opening her mouth as if to speak, but no sound came out, telling Raven everything she needed.

"You're mute." She stated, earning a nod from Neo. "Wonderful. So you're quiet and annoying."

Neo bowed to Raven mockingly before giving her one of her signature smirks before the tarp to Raven's tent opened up revealing a woman looked to be the same age as her and Silver with a pixie cut hairstyle, a tattoo on her left arm and a choker. If Neo swung that way, she'd probably find her attractive.

"Sorry to interrupt, Chief." Vernal said, glaring at Neo who just gave her a cute smile and waved at her. "But you have visitors."

"Who are they?" Raven asked.

"Well... There's three of them." Vernal reported. "One of them was wearing a red dress."

And just like that, Neo's face tightened into a deep glare as she used her Semblance to turn into Cinder, getting Raven's attention.

"Well." She said with a smirk. "I guess you really don't like her all that much if that reaction is anything to go by."

She didn't get an answer as Neo calmed herself down and gestured to Raven to get moving and these were Salem's minions that Silver told her about.

And just like that, any mirth Raven had was replaced by cold dread.

"It's time." She said. "She's found us."

-Mistral. 6:45am.-

Feeling returned to her first and she felt some pain in her arm. Pain was good. It meant that she was still alive. But why was that? She let out a soft groan as she opened her eyes and was met with a sterile white hospital room.

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