Chapter Two: The Wolf

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-Beacon. Before Yang woke up.-

Silver was in one of the workshop areas in Beacon, one of the few that were still intact after the battle. Currently, he was in the process of examining the remains of Eclipse, wondering if it could be salvaged, and even repaired. But he let out a sigh when he figured out neither were possible. Eclipse was forged using Atlesian steel, reinforced with Earth and Hardlight Dust. The Earth Dust he could get no problem. The Hardlight Dust, though... Not only was it ludicrously expensive, but it could only be bought in one place. Atlas.

And they had just closed their borders by order of the Atlesian Council. No one in or out.

He grabbed the handle and stared at the remaining blade it had. It took him two years to get the material to make the sword, and now it was destroyed. Shattered. Much like he was so many years ago.

His past wasn't something he was proud of. Not anymore. In that time, he earned a moniker that he had hoped never to hear again. To him, the Vampire was a dark reminder that he would rather leave buried.

"Silver?" Weiss asked, getting the Bat Faunus' attention.

"Oh. Hey Ice Queen." Silver replied. "What's up?"

"Oh you know... Just..." Weiss trailed off.

"Yeah..." Silver replied, understanding her meaning. "Me too."

"Your mentor..." Weiss began. "Just how strong is he?"

"He's one of the strongest people I know. I mean, he literally taught me everything I know, so... That should say something about him."

"He was a White Fang member?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah. But he also fought in the Faunus War. Or at least at the tail end of it." Silver stated. "Gabriel Midas is a skilled martial artist and tracker, and that makes him dangerous."

"And... What about what happened to you? Back in Beacon Tower." Weiss asked.

"I'd rather not talk about that." Silver stated, avoiding Weiss' question.

"Actually, I think we do need to address that, because black veins and Grimm eyes aren't normal the last time I checked!" Weiss stated sternly.

Silver let out a heavy sigh. He knew he couldn't avoid the question.

"Fine." He said. "Ask away."

"Well, my first question is... What are you?" Weiss asked. "Are you... A Grimm?"

"Half Grimm." Silver answered. "I am the Son of Salem, after all. Like I said, the circumstances of my birth are... Complicated."

"Sure sounds like it." Weiss replied. "So... How does it work, exactly?"

"The transformation only triggers when I experience extremely powerful negative emotions." Silver explained. "Fear. Rage. Grief. These can trigger my transformation, but I can also kinda... Call upon it sometimes."

"So, did you feel any of that when my father..." Weiss began, before stopping.

"Let's just say there's a reason why I became known as the Vampire, and leave it at that." Silver stated. "But no matter how I look. Faunus. Grimm. I'm still me. I'm still Silver Rose. And don't worry, it takes a lot of negativity to make me lose control of myself."

"Okay..." Weiss said. "A lot of your weapon can still be used in others. Maybe you should hold onto them?"

"Maybe." Silver replied before putting the pieces of his weapon away. "C'mon, we should check in on Yang and Blake."

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