Chapter Three: Trouble In Paradise

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When Yang woke up, it was to the sound of the boat's horn blaring put into the world. She groaned as she shook off the dregs of her exhaustion. She wouldn't say she had a peaceful sleep, but she'd take what she could get. She looked around the cabin, and realized she was alone as Sun and Blake were nowhere to be found. She felt something against her hand and looked down to see a note from Blake, based on the neat handwriting.


Sun and I are on the top deck waiting for you. I'm sorry we left without warning, but I didn't want to wake you. See you soon.


Yang smiled at the note before she stood up and got dressed, before heading towards her partner and their tag along. She arrived about a minute later and was nearly bowled over by a few crew members that were chasing after Sun.

"Watch it will ya!?" Yang shouted, clearly irritated. "Gods... It's way too early for this shit..."

"It's midday." Blake replied, getting her partner's attention. "How was your cat nap?"

"Meh." Yang replied with a half hearted shrug. "The note was a little cliche, don't you think?"

"Meh." Blake replied with a half hearted shrug. "You looked like you were finally sleeping soundly."

"Thanks, Kitten." Yang said gratefully. "Where's Sun?"

"Right here!" Sun announced. "Fruit anyone?"

"You stole that, didn't you?" Yang asked.

"Eh, maybe." Sun replied nonchalantly. "So! We ready to get off this boat?"

"Beyond ready." Yang groaned. "After six months traveling by boat, going from dock to dock, I think I've had enough of the whole cruise thing."

Blake covered her mouth with her hand and let out a small giggle, causing Yang to smile at the Cat Faunus, before said smile faded as she saw her partner start looking nervous.

"What's wrong, Blake?" She asked softly.

"I haven't been back here since I left with Sienna and Silver six years ago." Blake replied. "It... It feels strange being back after so long."

"You'll do just fine, Kitten." Yang said reassuringly. "You won't have to do this alone either."

"Yeah. You got me and Yang with you." Sun added. "Now, let's get off this boat and onto Menagerie proper!"

Blake gave them both grateful smiles before noticing the crowd of people clearing out and entering Menagerie's first and only city. Kuo Kuana hadn't changed much since Blake left. The hustle of the city still managed to make her smile as she saw Faunus of all kinds go about their daily business. Sun looked around, awestruck at just how many Faunus there were here. When the Cat Faunus looked at Yang, she saw that she was looking like a fish out of water.

"I've never seen so many Faunus in one place!" Sun said.

"I suddenly feel very overdressed." Yang said as she saw the more tropical attire of the Faunus around her. "And like I stick out like a Boarbatusk in a china shop."

"This is the one place everyone can feel safe." Blake replied. "No matter who or what they are."

"Wow." Sun said as he eyed a few Faunus passing them by.

Yang got some less than friendly looks from the them, but she gave them a friendly wave before moving with the two Faunus and followed Blake as she headed towards the center of town.

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