Chapter One: Moving Forward

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-The Shadowlands.-

The domain of the God of Darkness, the aptly named Shadowlands are often recalled as being the birthplace of the Creatures of Grimm. A place that only the insane or suicidal would dare to tread, which made it the perfect place for the followers of Salem to call home. As a Beowolf emerged from one of the many Grimm spawning pools that dotted the area surrounding the Grimm Queen's castle, Salem stared off in the distance, dwelling on the events of six months ago.

She had been very... Disappointed with the outcome of the Battle of Beacon. The academy's fall was supposed to be a message to the world that even the most brilliant lights will eventually flicker and die. And yet it still stood thanks to the interference of one person. Someone that Salem coveted more than anything else.

Because of her son's interference, Ozpin's pawns had rallied against the Grimm and held back the tide allowing Beacon to remain standing.

Even though she now had the Crown of Choice, Cinder had failed to become the Fall Maiden, that title instead falling to the daughter of Summer Rose and the younger sister of Silver Rose. Ruby Rose. But it was an unexpected act of providence that she was also a Silver-Eyed Warrior, which made her more useful.

So, while Salem wouldn't count the battle as a total failure, a failure it still was in her eyes.

The snap of fingers alerted Salem that currently, she wasn't alone as Cinder called Emerald and Mercury to her side. She gave both a fleeting glance. Cinder was always fond of having pets, and these two were just the latest of many.

She looked around the table, seeing her followers waiting for her to sit down. Arthur Watts searched through his Scroll, no doubt seeing what was going on in the world, while a Scorpion Faunus, the ever loyal Tyrian Callows sat poised to strike at a moment's notice. To his immediate left was a large, well built man named Hazel Rainart, and he hated Ozpin almost as much as she did.

The doors opened to reveal Gabriel Midas as he approached the table and simply stood in his spot. Tyrian glanced at the masked Owl Faunus and let out a small chuckle.

"So, the great Captain Midas has decided to join us after all." He said mockingly.

Midas ignored the Scorpion Faunus, feeling no need to validate him with a reason for his tardiness.

"What's the matter, dear Captain..." Tyrian goaded. "Did a certain pup cut out your tongue?"

"You would be wise to be silent, Tyrian." Midas stated. "Remember why we're here."

"Yes, yes, please keep your... Urges... In check." Watts added. "You hear that from Cinder?"

"Silence." Midas said. "I'm sure you have half a mind to thank our guest for besting her."

"I imagine the fact that our Lady has forbidden her from killing her has much to do with it as well." Watts replied, an amused smirk playing on his face.

"I'll miss our little playdates." Tyrian said absentmindedly, causing Emerald to shudder as she remembered those 'playdates'.

Ruby's tormented screams played through her mind unbidden as she remembered Tyrian carving her body up like a Thanksgiving turkey. It was safe to say that the thief was horrified by the display, and often visited her cell.

Secretly she was having... Doubts about all of this ever since Silver's words to her during the Breach eight months ago today. So far, this wasn't at all what she was promised, and worse... She saw that Mercury didn't even look like he cared.

Cinder struggled to speak before leaning over to Emerald and whispered in her ear.

"Pathetic." Watts said condescendingly. "Why would you-"

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