Therapy; Even the Odds

903 21 99

August 28, 2006

The show starts with Shane McMahon addressing the current condition of his father, Vince, after the antics of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and his grandson, Michael McMahon have done to render him a shook wreck. He has given his dad the night off as he addresses that DX will be having a Tag Team Match against some opponents of his choosing to set the record straight.

Shane: As for my spoiled and psychotic nephew, Michael...he will not be involved as he will be taken a considerable amount of time to reflect what he has done.

The crowd boos and chanted "Bullshit" as they knew Michael has no regrets.

Shane: Tonight. Michael will be taken away from his terrible influences he calls his father and uncle, and be put in a room with a therapist of my choosing to get it in that soft, yet, stubborn skull of his and be a more mature kid.

The crowd boos loudly, not believing Michael is going to be put in therapy just because his uncle was fed up with him

Shane: And trust me by the end of tonight, Michael will be a better kid and think logically. And he'll stray away from what DX had been doing since their reunion. And you can bet your ass that will happen.

The crowd boos before Edge and Lita arrive and complained about John Cena throwing Edge to the river last week and Edge want Cena fired. Soon, Cena arrives and says that if he is fired, the last thing Edge will remember is being thrown in the water. That's not a happy ending and.....yeah you can imagine the jokes on that one.

Edge wants Cena gone, so Cena has an offer. He pulls out a three year Smackdown contract and all it is going to take is Edge beating him in one more title match. Edge agrees, but he gets to pick where the match takes place and what kind of a match it is. That's fine with Cena, who goes to leave, but Shane says Cena has a match first. That's cool with Cena too, so here's his opponent.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

Everyone was confused until they heard Shane yelling in pain and shock, along with something hitting him. Soon, they lights came back on, only to reveal...

 Soon, they lights came back on, only to reveal

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JR: Oh my God! Michael's here!

Jerry: He just beaten up Shane!

Michael stands over Shane's beaten body with a chain as he stood between John and Edge and Lita who look at him shock, anger, and fear. The crowd pops as he hoists his custom Championship up, getting a loud reaction.

JR: That kid has turned 9 last week, and he's still out kicking some serious Ass!

Jerry: That therapist is gonna have a handful when Michael meets them.

Michael looks around with a smile and stares at Edge with a cocky grin.

Michael: I got a better Title than you, loser!

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