||Lost fox❤️||

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~Niki's pov~
"Five more minutes..." I say tiredly until someone opens my door and shakes me until I'm fully awake. "NIKI I found a lost fox outside and it looks injured!" Jungwon says I got up and went downstairs and saw a cute little fox! "Oh my gosh he's the cutest little thing ever!" I say jumping up and down like a little kid.

Jungwon nods "wait you said it was injured?" I say "yes he is but I don't wanna risk my life" he says "um I'll try helping it but I really don't wanna hurt it so get me gloves and wipes" I say calmly as the little fox looks exhausted and sad "here!" Jungwon says handing me the stuff.

I try gaining the fox's trust but as I saw closely he kinda looks like a human but whatever, I put my hand up and the fox runs away and hides behind the couch so I go behind the couch and see it crying "hey little guy come on I won't hurt you~" I say as softly as I can to not scare the poor thing "no!" I heard the fox say as I was confused as fuck and all of a sudden the fox turns into a human "I don't trust you!" He says "it's okay but what is your name?" I say as Jungwon squeals "OH MY GOSH YOU ARE THE CUTEST PERSON TO EVER EXIST!" Jungwon says "thank you and my name is Sunoo!" Sunoo says and he suddenly screams "ow!".

~Sunoo's pov~
I felt something in my foot as I walked a step closer to this human.

"Are you okay?!" He says concerned and picks me up and he goes upstairs with his friend "where does it hurt?" He says and I whine and point at my feet "there :(" I say "okay I'm going to need your trust so do you trust me?" He says in a calm tone that is relaxing and I nod my head.

He puts some gloves on and he pulls something out which made me scream "I'm sorry! I need to take it out!" He says "Jungwon please grab him" he says "okay" the other kid named Jungwon says and he holds me "Sunoo this is going to hurt but just relax okay?" He says "okay...".

I say as he gently pulls it out and I start shaking and crying "there!" He says and shows me a piece of glass that was in my foot "thank you" I say and hug him "it's okay" he says "and my name is Niki" The kid named Niki says "Sunoo" I say "that's a beautiful name!" He says "can y'all talk to each other without me being here?" Jungwon says and we all laugh "I have one question though" Niki says "what is it?" I say "how are you a human and a fox and how did you get injured?" He says.

"Oh..." I say "it's okay you don't have to tell me" he says "no, no it's okay well I've been bullied a lot as a kid they would call me really rude names and they would threat me. I told my parents but they didn't really care and let's say I saw this really cool crystal and then the next thing I knew I was a fox and of course I couldn't go home because people would bully me more so I decided to leave. So then I was walking around trying to find a home until I felt something poke me and I cried loudly that your friend heard me and then they grabbed me and yeah." I say.

  (Jungwon left)

"Oh my" he says and pulls me into a hug "I'm so sorry that happened to you" he says "it's not your fault" I say "why don't you live with me?" He says "really?" I say and he nods.

<2 years later>

Today it's me and Niki's anniversary "happy anniversary babe~" Niki says pulling me into a kiss "happy anniversary baby" I say before kissing him back "I love you Kim Sunoo~" he says making me blush "I love you Nishimura Riki~" I say and we both cuddle and watch movies all day.
Help this is one of my favorites anyway hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day❤️🫶

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