Thirteen: Skaterboy

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"Two, please," I requested, pulling at my skirt.

          The woman smiled at me as she asked knowingly, "One for you and one for your boyfriend, right?"

          My eyes widened as I became flustered. "What?"

          She jerked her head to the left and glanced behind me. "That's him, right? The kid in the aviators?"

          I whipped around to find Iggy leaned casually against the railing. He was smirking, and practically glistening in allure. I glared at him for attracting attention like that, but I let it go. I turned back and took the cotton candy from her, paying as I said, "Thank you."

          He took the cotton candy from my hand and ripped off a piece, plopping it into his mouth. "Everything go smoothly?"

          "Yeah," I answered, before I blurted, "She thought we were dating though."

          He shrugged, unconcerned. As he continued to stuff his mouth full of blue cotton candy, he pointed out, "It's easy to assume that. We are walking by the bay hand in hand. But let them think what they want. They don't know I'm blind and you're just leading me around."

          I fingered the pink fluffy candy pitifully. A part of me had hoped he'd say, "We could be, you know, dating." But the other part of me knew Iggy wouldn't say that. At least he hadn't completely scoffed at the idea of us dating. He just pushed it aside, possibly to pick up again later.

          "What now?" Iggy inquired, licking his fingers.

          My eyes bulged. I looked at my cotton candy and then at him. I asked in surprise, "You finished already?"

          He smirked as he wiped his fingers on his jeans. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he informed me, "Yeah, there wasn't that much. Don't tell me you haven't finished yours yet."

          I glanced at the large portion that remained. In fact, mine was practically untouched. I pinched off a bit and tossed the sugary glob into my mouth. It immediately began to dissolve on my tongue, and after I swallowed, I admitted, "I just took my second bite."

          He shook his head, chuckling lightly. I felt his foot slide against mine in one of his tactics to find people. He came closer to me and found my cotton candy easily. As he ripped some off, he offered, "I should help you then."

          As he put it in his mouth, I exclaimed, "Hey! Don't eat mine. You've already had all of yours."

          "Which is why I moved on to yours," he retorted, reaching towards my candy again.

          I swatted his hand playfully, moving my cotton candy away from him. "No," I stated firmly, trying to restrain my smile. "You'll get cavities if you eat too much. It's all sugar, you know."

          Iggy smirked, leaning against the railing once more. He looked thoroughly amused as he countered, "I could warn you of the same thing."

          "Yes, but I'm not trying to eat my second helping," I pointed out, taking another bite. I figured I'd better eat my cotton candy quickly if I didn't want him to steal any.

          He chuckled but didn't say anything. Instead, he shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. With his aviators on and the crystal blue bay in the background, he looked like a model. The sunlight played off his golden hair, and the wind tousled it gently. It still baffled me that he could look so attractive.

          A light flush painted my cheeks when I realized I had been checking him out. I started to stuff my face with cotton candy to hide my embarrassment, and soon I finished. I licked off the sticky residue from my fingers and glanced at my skirt, lips pursed. I hummed, thinking for a moment.

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