The snake flipped a lever and laughed, "Ahahahahaha! I'm so evil!" A huge laser cannon popped out from the underside of his war blimp. "Clichéd~" you hummed. With a casual flick of your wrist, the cannon exploded into a million spiders. "You're one to talk about clichéd," Alastor snapped his fingers, and a massive, otherworldly portal appeared beneath the warcraft. Black tentacles came flying out of it, gripping and crushing the ship, with Sir Pentious still inside it. Alastor's grin widened, a red 'X' mark glowed on his forehead, and his face was cast in sinister shadows. Blood dripped from hist fist. The others stared at him with expressions of mingled shock and terror. Husker merely looked bored. But you sensed life within the ruins. "No hiding! You can't snake your way out of this that easily," you rolled your wrists forward, and the ruins blasted apart, revealing Sir Pentious and one of his eggshell henchmen to have survived. You flicked your right wrist out, and one of the threads of energy extended from the wrist joint, crushing the egg boi in a suffocating garotte. You repeated the process for its master as well, strangling then decapitating him. The "string" retracted, and jerked your wrist upward momentarily as it returned to its usual position.
The awkward, shocked silence continued, until Alastor finally broke it cheerfully, "Well, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set!" Wheeling around, he headed towards the building. Charlie, looking excited, pulled Vaggie along back into the hotel. Angel matched his pace with Husker's, and Niffty trailed along like a small child. Everyone entered, but just as Alastor was about to, he paused. "Oh, yes, I almost forgot," snapping his fingers, he summoned a lightning bolt, changing the sign from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel". You smirked, "You're going to have to change that back once Charlie sees it."
"Yes, dear, but that's if the princess sees it," the deer demon responded.
"True, true," you shrugged. You winced in pain as the hinges in your shoulders popped. You'd forgotten to stretch those. You mended the wall behind the two of you, and Alastor busied himself with the makeshift kitchen that you had helped Charlie and Vaggie set up on your second day at the hotel. Charlie was rambling to Vaggie about getting the hotel fixed up better, and Angel was still trying in vain to flirt with Husker. Suddenly, Charlie shot up, "Why don't we do introductions?" Alastor turned from the stove to pay attention. Niffty paused her vigorous dusting. Even Angel actually stopped talking. "Sure," you started, "My name's Y/N, most of you know me, I'm one of the overlords of Hell and Charlie's old babysitter."
"Name's Angel Dust, call me Angel or Angie. Porn actor, and the hotel's first patient."
"You guys know me, Charlotte, princess of Hell."
"Vaggie. I'm Hotel management and Charlie's girlfriend."
"Husk. No extra comments."
"Like I said before, I'm Niffty, and I'm kind of a neat freak and I talk a lot."
"Alastor, dears. You all know me, so there's nothing to add."
Charlie beamed, and everybody went back to whatever they were doing. You decided to help out in the kitchen, seeing as you didn't have much else to do. Alastor had conjured some food out of thin air, and was working with it efficiently. You watched him chop up a carrot with expert speed and precision then coughed, "Anything I can help with? I can cook, but no guarantees it'll be great."
"Hmm, thank you for the offer darling! Well, I'm sure this little meal could do with some side dishes! Cornbread and tomato cucumber salad both go excellently with jambalaya," he suggested. Nodding, you half rolled half flicked your wrists, summoning some salad ingredients from your house.
(A/N ~ Btw if you guys are wondering why they can't just summon the meal itself is because that makes magic way too overpowered. I have no idea how conjuring magic works in canon HH and HB but in this, you can't summon anything unless it exists and you know exactly where it is. In this case, you and Alastor are summoning ingredients from your own homes.)
You conjured a cooking board and knife then began to chop the cucumber into neat, even slices. The tomatoes soon followed, and you placed both ingredients in an empty jam jar which you also summoned from your own kitchen. Some torn up burrata cheese, lettuce, and olive oil followed. You shut the lid on the jar and shook it hard, mixing the ingredients together to form a sort of salad-in-a-jar. (A/N ~ I got this idea from something I saw on Instagram. I look at too much cooking stuff ehehe.) You warped a plate to the makeshift kitchen and dumped out the contents of the jam jar onto it. Perfect. Looking over, you saw that Alastor was done with most the chopping part, so you conjured a pot over stove and snapped a fire into existence. He scraped the ingredients off his board into the pot and you summoned a spatula and helped mix them up in the pot.
The two of your were fairly absorbed in the cooking so it startled you slightly when Angel called over from the bar, "Annnnnd, on channel I'm too lazy to come up with a number, is cooking with Strings and Smiles!" You turned towards the bar, where the spider demon lounged on two stools at once, his left leg hanging off one loosely and his right leg stretched across another. One of his bottom arms were resting on the counter, its twin holding the small amount of liquor that Vaggie had approved. The top pair were in resting position behind his head, fingers laced together. "Not only do they seem quite professional, they'd make a hella cute couple too!"
You responded by throwing a frying pan at his head, which he narrowly ducked.

Ballet Shoes and Radios
Fanfiction#8 in alastorxreader 2/5/2024 A certain marionette puppet demon overlord by the name of Y/N L/N has offered her services to the Happy Hotel. Then another overlord waltzes in a week after...