Brawling With Exterminators

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The two way radio(walkie talkie if you're aMeRiCaN) clipped to the inside of your trench coat emitted a loud burst of static followed by Blitzo's panicked voice, "N/N! N/N! This is Blitzo do you copy?"

"Blitzo this is Y/N. Reading you five by, what, one billion. Don't yell into the radio," you raised the device to your face to speak into it.

"WELL I'M SORRY ABOUT THE WALKIE TALKIE  PROTOCOL BUT WE'RE FUCKING UDNER ATTACK!" Blitzo screamed even louder. You heard Moxxie's voice in the distance, "Sir, I don't think we can hold for much longer!" You shot off the stool, leaving it spinning a little. Tying up the waistband of your trench coat, you strode over to the exit, "Blitzo this is Y/N, I'm coming over to Imp City now. Stay put until I get there. Don't do anything stupid. Dodge, don't parry our counterattack." You clipped the radio onto the outside of your trench coat this time, onto the waistband. "Wait, Y/N-" Alastor shot up, "It isn't safe for you to go out there on your own."

"So you're telling me I should just wait here while my friends get attacked?" you demanded.

"No, no dear, I'm suggesting nothing of the sort," he twirled his microphone staff into existence, "I'll go with you."

"Really? Thank you, Alastor."

"It's no problem, darling! Now let's get going!" Grabbing your arm, he teleported both of you to the I.M.P HQ. "How did you know where it was?" you asked.

"Simple. I tracked where the radio transmission came from." You had no idea he could do that. You then heard a loud yelp which you instantly recognized as Moxxie's. You attempted to open the door, but it just fell off its hinges. There was a massive crater in the wall and a two exterminators in there with the four hellborns. Leaping into action, you sent out a string to ensnare one of the angels in. It actually worked, to your surprise, restraining them from putting a spear through Loona. "Th-Thanks!" You nodded and speared a rose vine through the exterminator's left shoulder. Grunting in pain, they broke free of the string trapping them, causing the vine to press further into their shoulder. You thought you had this one in the bag, but they pulled their spear out. 

Ducking, you narrowly dodged the jab. You knew very well that even a single prick from the spear would be near fatal, leaving your skin burning. It was something you experienced back in your earlier days of Hell, and it wasn't something you wanted to ever feel again. "Shit! Mox, think you can do something about the spear?" you called. The white haired imp took aim and put a bullet in your assailant's hand, causing them to drop the spear. "Thanks!" Without the holy weapon, the two of you were fairly evenly matched. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Alastor wrench the other exterminator's spear out of their grasp using one of his black voodoo magic tentacle things. Millie swung a massive battle axe at the angel you were fighting's neck, but they dodged it before it could do any real damage, leaving nothing but a slight cut. But in the direction the fled to, a bramble of thorns was waiting for them. When they were trapped in the vegetation, Millie swung her axe again, knocking the exterminator's head clean off. 

⚠️TW: Blood and Burning Flesh⚠️

The two of you side-high fived and turned to the other fight. The angel the others were fighting appeared to be much more powerful than the one you and Millie just neutralized. You took one look at each other, then charged into the fray. The exterminator jerked with surprise to find rapunzel vines enclosing their throat, threatening to crush their larynx. But using the sharp claws on the extermination suit, they ripped the plants to shreds. But before they could get their bearings again, a shadow black tentacle crashed into them, sending them flying into a table. Blitzo fired a few rounds from his gun, getting a couple of good hits in. But the angel still persisted stubbornly refusing to die. You lashed out with a string, causing them to tumble forwards, but they got hold of their balance last moment and raked their wicked sharp claws across your face. 

You cried out in pain, blood dripping onto your coat. You choked on the red liquid as it entered your orifices. You coughed most of it out, but the metallic taste remained. The stinging pain on your face was nearly unbearable, and your vision was tinted crimson red, you couldn't see a thing. Strong arms wrapped around you from behind. Alastor. He pulled you away from the heat of the battle. "Stay there," he said urgently. Through the red haze, you saw a blue of grey and black behind his shoulder, and a glint of steel. "Alastor!" you yelled, shoving him aside. Instead of hitting him full in the back, the angel's spear scraped across your right shoulder, leaving smoldering flesh. You screamed this time. Really screamed. The only other time you had been hurt by a holy weapon, it had been a mere prick, just a small jab, like a light poke from a sewing needle. But this was different. Whatever you had felt back then or with the scratch across your face was a joke compared to the insurmountable amount of pain that flooded your system right now. You shoulder burned. Literally. Your flesh smoked, burning away. Red still flooded your vision, making it impossible to get sense of anything. You saw another tentacle flying through the air and through the exterminator, and your friends crouching down around you.

"Y/N!" you heard Millie's southern accent.

"Y/n, darling, let's get you to the hotel," Alastor's voice rang in your head. You felt yourself being lifted up, then you passed out.

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