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A/N: Guys, guys. Yeah, the bulk of my character development has actually been based around Lucifer and Charlie, as the rest are just the same. Bear with me but this is another father daughter moment chapter. But it will have other important bits about others too, so if you don't wanna miss things like Al meeting his mom againdon't skip this one!! 


3rd POV

The white and gold light blinded the seven demons and one fallen angel. But soon, the glare faded into a slightly dimmer glow. Y/N shielded her eyes with one hand, while Charlie eagerly absorbed every sight there was to see. Then the princess noticed something. "Wow! You guys are in your human forms!" she gasped. The six sinner demons turned to the nearest reflective surface, which happened to be the ground. Sure enough, they were certainly not in their demon forms. In place of her usual white hair, Vaggie had long black locks, and naturally tanned skin instead of papery grey. But other than that, she was in the same clothes as before. Angel had fluffy blonde hair in about the same shape as his demon form's and crystal blue eyes. Niffty had curly brown hair and two green eyes instead of one yellow. Husk and Alastor looked fairly similar, actually, brown hair, naturally tanned skin, and brown eyes. Except that Alastor had a pare of thin framed glasses, and Husk was taller with sideburns. You were the least changed, h/c hair, e/c eyes, and s/t(skin tone) skin.

"Wow..." Charlie trailed off, staring openmouthed at the city. It was like Hell, but a cleaner, brighter, prettier version, with a regular sky. Lucifer laid a hand on his daughter's shoulder, "It's not so pretty on the inside, trust me." The Marionette too took a moment to scan her surroundings, it was beautiful, yes, but she could see what he meant. The light seemed like a strained facade of a crumbling building, stunning at first glance, but slightly off-putting the next. "It's... too pretty. Nothing genuine could be like this," she shivered in apprehension. Y/N's instincts had never failed her by far, there was no way that they were tricking her now. Lucifer nodded in agreement, and drew Charlie closer to him protectively. A few people trickled into the street with the portal to Hell, usually closed off, in it. They were all  in complete human forms, unlike the denizens of Hell, with halos and wings. Lucifer, having previously been the archangel Samael, did not have a human form, instead, his hair was neater and more subtle, and his fangs gone.. The crowd kept a good distance from the group, until a middle aged-looking woman broke free and smothered Alastor in a bear hug.


The woman resembled Alastor in a way. The same chocolate brown hair and eyes, the same tan skin tone. But she was plumper and shorter, although not by much, she was still quite a formidable height. "Alastor, my baby boy!" she cried. You smirked, quirking an eyebrow at him, as did Angel and Husk. Light pink dusted his cheeks, "Mama! Is that you?"

"Of course it's me you stupid boy. How have I raised you, hm? To become a cannibalistic murderer? No!" the woman whacked her son softly in the side of the head. At this point, Angel and Husk were choking with stifled laughter. You had to admit, it was amusing to see the Radio Demon like this. Alastor shot a sharp glare at the two, causing them to mute their laughter, but Husker was leaning on Angel for support, and the spider clutching his stomach, trying to breathe. You showed more restraint, smirking behind your hand. Gesturing to you, Alastor's mother whispered something to him, but you didn't quite catch it. His face reddened even more, and he avoided your eyes. Tilting your head, you tried to catch his gaze, but he adamantly looked away, face still tomato red.

(Short Timeskip)

"...And, that concludes it!"

Lucifer, Husk, and Angel all didn't even bothered to hide that they were very obviously asleep. They sat in a row, Lucifer with his head between his hands, his elbows resting on the clear white table. Angel had his left arm and right elbow on the table, cheek slumped on his right hand. Husk had his head in his arms, really not bothering to hide it. You stared out a window, arms in a similar position to Angel, chin on fist. Alastor still had his usual smiley poker face, but it was obvious he wasn't paying any attention. You couldn't even see Niffty from her slumped position in her chair. Only Charlie and Vaggie were listening at this point. The angels looked around at the crew then at each other. God sighed. Charlie raised her index finger in the air, "I'm sorry, but what do you mean by probation?"

"Well, once the rehabilitated demons arrive, we'll need to make sure they adjust to Heaven without causing any... trouble," Gabriel chipped in.

"And if they do, they get sent back down to Hell?" You enquired, finally paying attention for the first time in the meeting. "Yes. They are given three chances, and if they struggle too much, something must be done about it." The demon princess looked worried, and she was right to be. It would be terrible for the Hotel's reputation if someone was rehabilitated just to be sent back down to Hell. Gabriel reached across and tapped Lucifer's arm, "Brother! Samael! Wake up!" he hissed. That jolted the Devil awake. He scowled at the archangel, "For the last time! It's Lucifer now, not Samael."

"Lucifer, Samael, either way, it's time to go."

You shot to your feet, flipping your h/c hair out of your face. "Charlie ma Cherie, can I get my blasted hair back into a bun now?" you asked. The girl nodded, and you swept your hair up into a neat ballerina bun. Smoothing down the formal black pinafore paired with a(n) f/c blouse you had picked out for the occasion, you walked gracefully toward the gold and white door. Charlie and Vaggie trailed behind you, followed by Niffty, speaking in low tones, probably about the meeting. Lucifer shook the two sleeping men awake, and Alastor seemed to snap out of some sort of trance, smile dropping for a moment, very briefly though. The four followed along. A few turns later, everyone was back in the Hotel Lobby. 

The portal sealed and closed the moment everyone went through. "Well, I'll be off then!" Lucifer exclaimed, patting Charlie on the head. He snapped his fingers and disappeared. "So, um, what did y'all think?" Charlie asked meekly. Everyone except Vaggie paused awkwardly, each expecting somebody to say something. Clearing your throat, you finally spoke up, "The probation thing is kind of worrying, since we don't know what their standards will be." Charlie sighed, relieved that somebody was at least partially listening. "Anything else?" The awkward silence returned. "Oh the nine circles of Hell," Vaggie groaned.

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