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(A few months' timeskip)

Sitting at the lounge, you, Charlie, and Vaggie went through the day's mail. There was quite a bit of it, mostly hate mail. Everything was normal, dull, and monotonous until you pulled a crisp white, nearly glowing envelop with gold embossments. The two girls turned towards you at once as you tore it open. "What does it say?" Charlie asked eagerly. Your eyes quickly skimmed over it, your smile growing as you did.

To the residents of the Happy Hotel,

We wish to inform you that Mr. Anthony Antonelli has successfully been accepted for redemption. We will send people over to pick him up a few minutes after you read this. Good luck with the others!


Archangel Gabriel

On behalf of the great Father

"ANTHONY ANTONELLI GET DOWN HERE!" you called, but not aggressively. You sent out a string with a quick message to Velvette. To your expectations, everyone else came down to the lobby, not just Angel. "What?" he asked. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, you shoved the letter into his top pair of hands. He read through it, eyes widening with each word. "I-I- I'm getting- I'm getting re- I'M GETTING REHABILITATED?!" he gasped.

"Yes you are!" you cheered excitedly. It had worked! Charlie shot up to her feet and bounced around happily, "It worked! It worked! Ohmysatan IT ACTUALLY WORKED!" You had never seen her so happy before. She looked like a little kid on Christmas morning that got everything they asked for. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she squealed giddily.

"Congratulations, Angel, or as I should probably call you now, Anthony," you stuck out a hand for him to shake, which he did. Charlie leapt on him, crushing him in a hug, "I knew you had it in you! I knew you could make it! And now, look! You did it! You did it Angel, you got in! I know you didn't really want to at the beginning, but you tried and YOU MADE IT!" Charlie sobbed into his shoulder, hanging from his neck. "We did it," she said softly, "We did it."

You clapped in excitement, "Now everyone will know it is possible! It's more than a joke, we got him in!" You twirled happily. Things were going to go up much faster much further from here.


And you were right. Vaggie, Niffty, Husk, and even Velvette soon followed, until it was just you and Alastor left. Then you got your letter. "Auntie Y/N! Auntie Y/N! It's you this time, it's you!" Charlie shrieked. Two overlords. The Hotel had gotten not just one but two overlords rehabilitated. Vox and Valentino, naturally, were furious after Velvette left. But there wasn't much they could do about it.

"R-really?" you asked, hardly daring to believe. You looked over Charlie's shoulder to see the letter. It had your name on it, clear, shiny gold cursive. Allowing a small gasp to leave your mouth, you turned to Alastor, who was standing just behind you. Throwing your arms around his neck, you whispered, "It's just you now, mon amour."

Despite his wide smile, he looked sad. "Oh come on, Al! You just need to get redeemed and you'll be up there with me too!" you planted a quick kiss on his cheek. In quick time, a portal to Heaven opened up. Alastor still had a conflicted look behind his eyes, "Can I though? You all did, and I'm the only one left now."

"You will. Promise me that soon we'll see each other again there, " you gestured to the waiting portal. "Promise," he touched his lips against yours, and you deepened the kiss. But of course, soon you had to part. "Good bye my love."

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