Volunteer Work

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So... Velvette is good now. Unexpected. But since there's nearly no information on Velvette's actual character so far, so this is how it is for this fic.

Alastor, Angel, Charlie, Husk, Niffty, Vaggie, and Velvette all stood in front of you in a park-like area in Alastor's territory, awaiting your instructions. "So! Al and I already discussed this briefly, seeing as it's his territory, and we're going to build a playground of sorts for the Hellborn children!" you explained. Gesturing to an area of roughly fifteen square meters you had roped off, you began to briefly outline the plan, "We're going to have all the basic playground things in here." You took a blueprint out of one of your trench coat's pockets and had four strings hold them up in the air by the corners. 

You summoned your pointer again, "This central area will be where the main play structures will be, so basically the slides and the little platforms kids can climb to," Explaining, you tapped the spot with the pointer. "Then over here," you jabbed the left side, "We'll put down some swings, then on the opposite side, a climbing frame. Let's get started!" You clapped twice, summoning some perfectly organized tools and materials. "These are for the swings, these are for the climbing frame, the metal here is to make the central play structures," you pointed at each of the piles, "Charlie, you, Vaggie, and Velvette can do the climbing frame. Husk, Niffty, and Angel, I'll leave you guys to the swings. Alastor and I will do the center."

"The teams seem very well balanced for the two little things and very fit for the main thing. Did you seriously spend your time calculating how to divide them?" Angel pointed out.

"That I did," you sighed, "But that's not important. Come on, let's get to work now."

Despite you, Alastor, and Velvette's powers, and Angel's extra limbs, the building took all morning. But once it was done, everyone stood exhausted but happy and proud. "That wasn't so bad, right?" Charlie chirped cheerfully.

"Honestly, yeah, it wasn't so bad," Angel responded. 

Progress, You thought proudly.

"Let's call it a day, yeah?" you suggested. Everyone nodded. Velvette went back to Vox and Valentino as to avoid suspicion, and everyone else headed back towards the Hotel. "Care to take a walk, darling?" Alastor asked, offering you his arm. You nodded yes and the two of you began a quick stroll through his territory.

After a substantial bit of time, you and Alastor returned to the location of the newly built playground, where a group of imp children were already playing. "It's nice, isn't it?" you asked, looking up at your lover. "You know..." he responded,

"It actually is."

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