Chapter 19

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The days passed and Team 7 had already completed several D-missions, with Hinari having the most difficulty with some of them. But when they had to find a cat, it was no big deal for the Uchiha. After all, a cat also made noises and vibrations on the floor. Together with her team, she had caught it and brought it back to the owner, who had appeared to be cuddling the cat half to death. At least that's how it seemed to Hinari.

"No, no, no! I want a real mission and no more baby missions!" Naruto began to whine and sat down on the floor. "Naruto, have some respect for the Hokagen!" Iruka yelled. "That's all right," came from the Hokagen. He knew Naruto and his nature. No matter what anyone said, he would behave like this.

While he finally explained how the missions were organized, Naruto didn't listen but talked about noodle soups he had recently eaten. Even Kakashi found this conversation more exciting than that of the Hokage. The Hokage exhaled softly when he heard it. "So you want another mission, do you?"

The Uzumaki quickly raised his head. "Then I'll give you one from rank C." The old man looked at him in disbelief. What, they were allowed to do a C mission? Had he really given leniency because of Naruto?

"You will accompany a bridge builder into the realm of the waves." explained the Hokage and asked this man into the office. When this man entered, Hinari quickly smelled that he had been drinking alcohol. They had to accompany someone like this? "I am Tazuna from the Wave Realm." he introduced himself and looked down at the children, who still looked very small.

"These small children are accompanying me?" he asked. "Who are you calling little?!" Naruto grumbled immediately and looked at his comrades when he realized that he was unfortunately the smallest. A slightly annoyed sigh came from Tazuna before he nodded. At least he had an escort.

After less than an hour, the genin had to pack their backpacks. Sasuke had to help his best friend, as she couldn't keep up with her vision so quickly. Hinari knew where everything was, but she needed her time, especially when she had to pack something. Hinari had to make sure she had everything with her and where everything was. "And there are scrolls on the right." Sasuke explained after he had finished packing. "Thank you." Hinari smiled and put on her backpack.

As quickly as the two of them could, they ran to the main gate and quickly realized that Kakashi was missing. Even here he was late. "Sorry I'm late. I was telling an old woman..." "Yeah yeah, we know." Naruto quickly warbled and grinned. Finally he could leave the village, even if his companion was an old drunk.

"And you're sure that these kids can protect me?" "Listen to me old bastard! I'll be Hokage one day, of course!" Tazuna looked at the brat with slight amusement. A nice idea. "Don't worry, I'm still here too." Kalashi smiled slightly. However, Tazuna's gaze had not escaped him as he looked at Hinari.

On the way, Hinari walked past a hole. But due to the vibration emitted by the feet, she heard a soft wave, which could only be heard with water. Water? In the middle of the path? "Sensei..." "I know."

Hinari remained silent and pretended she hadn't seen anything. Why didn't Kakashi say anything? Was he testing something? Barely a second later, she felt two more chakras coming towards her, with Kakashi being hit first. "Sensei Kakashi!" shouted Sakura as he was torn to pieces with chains, but his body was transformed into a piece of wood.

Hinari reacted immediately when a chakra dangerously approached them. She quickly pulled out a kunai to stop the ninjas coming towards Tazuna. She was not the only one with this idea, as Sasuke had also reacted and struck one of the ninjas back. The Uchihas ignored the trembling that came from Sakura. Even the fact that Naruto could hardly move was pushed into the background.

Together, Hinari and Sasuke beat back the enemy ninjas, which amazed Tazuna. He had noticed that Hinari was blind. Those gray dots on her pupils were clear to him. But he hadn't expected this girl to be able to fight like a normal ninja.

With a chakra cord, Kakashi attached the enemy ninja, who sent both Uchiha crashing into the tree. He had waited for the right moment and hoped that his students would be able to do something. "Well done Hinari and Sasuke. I didn't expect anything else." Kakashi praised the two and now looked at Tazuna. "And now they're telling us why they're being followed."

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now