Chapter 45

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By the time the chunin exam was over, almost another year had passed and Hinari was now 15 years old. She would soon turn 16, just like Sasuke. However, this still took a while. Her friends were all made chunin, except for Neji, who became a jonin. He had earned it by the way he behaved in the exams and Hinari had learned what the first task was. Hinari could only laugh when she heard the last question. "Which of your comrades would you leave behind?"

Such a question could only come from Shikamaru, who wanted to hear a Naruto answer from everyone. Of course, everyone from Konoha hadn't written anything down and left the back of the sheet blank. Naruto would certainly have shouted that he would never leave anyone behind. And the others had probably thought the same.

Just as Hinari turned the corner, she was almost knocked over. "Sorry!" the voice said loudly, waving its arms. Hinari had to blink several times to make sure she hadn't imagined the voice. Her eyes slowly went up from her feet to his face and widened. "Naruto! You're back?" she asked happily and received a questioning look from him. "Uh...have we met?"

For a moment, Hinari wanted to rebuke him for this, but he didn't know that she now had sight and that her pupils were a normal black. Her appearance had certainly changed for him, too. "It's Hinari." she finally said, smiling. Naruto's eyes widened and he simply took the Uchiha in his arms. "Hinari, I'm sorry! You've changed, really now!"

Laughing, the Uchiha broke away and pointed her finger at her eyes. "Tsunade has managed to give me sight!" Naruto's eyes widened again as he looked at her eyes. They no longer had gray spots, but were as black as Sasuke's. "I'm glad to hear that!" he grinned and looked at her headband. "You're a chunin too, aren't you? The others just told me."

Hinari nodded and told him how it came about. However, she realized that he wanted to go somewhere. "You want noodle soup, don't you?" she asked immediately and saw him scratch the back of his neck. Laughing, she looked at her boyfriend. "You know what, we'll go eat some together when you've been to Tsunade's." Naruto beamed happily and was only too happy to accept the suggestion. Besides, he wanted to go to Grandma Tsunade's anyway and pulled Hinari behind him.

In Tsunade's office, Naruto was also welcomed by her and looked at Team 7. However, she had bad news for Naruto. No one had heard anything more about Sasuke. Unfortunately, they didn't know where he was. A little sadly, Naruto lowered his head, which was quickly raised again when a training match was scheduled. "Who are we fighting?"

"Against me." came from the window. "Sensei Kakashi!" shouted Naruto happily and grinned, as he still had a present for him. Hinari had only heard that it was the latest flirting paradise. She shook her head in amusement. She had gone on smaller missions with Kakashi from time to time, and he always had these books with him.

The fight took place on the same day and unfortunately Hinari and Naruto had to postpone the noodle soup. This was fine for both of them, after all, there wasn't always an opportunity to fight Kakashi. Just like the first time, Kakashi raised the bells. Only this time there were only two instead of three. The team already knew what their task was and attacked Kakashi together.

Even after minutes, they still hadn't defeated him and thought briefly about how to approach it tactically. Sakura had blasted the jonin out of the ground a few minutes ago when she had slammed her fist into it. Naruto as well as Kakashi were shocked at her power and had to blink several times to see if this had really happened. Hinari could only smile about it. Tsunade had really made Sakura stronger and more self-confident. When Kakashi was there again, Hinari had fired her fire dragon at him, which had missed because of his exchange jutsu.

It was a little more difficult from the start because Kakashi was using his Sharingan. Although it was no problem for Hinari to win, she hadn't activated her Sharingan until now. It was one of the things she kept from her blindness. She didn't want to have to rely on the Sharingan. So she also wanted to give Sakura and Naruto a chance to prove themselves.

"I have an idea." Naruto grinned, which was a bit questionable. He had an idea? He whispered about it and couldn't stop grinning, making Hinari laugh. Actually, this plan was a bit of nonsense, but it would certainly work with Kakashi.

With no further doubts about the plan, the three made their way to Kakashi to attack him from above. The Hatake was already prepared, formed finger signs and looked at his students. "Hey, sensei Kakashi! I know how the book ends!" shouted Naruto, causing Kakashi to quickly put his hands to his ears.

No! He didn't want to hear it! But unfortunately, his Sharingan picked up every word that came out of Naruto's mouth and so he closed his eyes. Not a second later, he opened his eyes and gulped when his students had the bells.

"I was messing with them! I stopped reading after the first page." Naruto laughed. Smirking slightly, Kakashi shook his head. It was hard to believe that he had really fallen for it.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now