Chapter 95

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Hinari quickly ran through the forest when she realized that Sasuke had already left. She shouldn't have gone to Shikamaru to play shogi. Just because of this stupid game, she had not concentrated on the chakras around her.

Not far away from her, she sensed Naruto saying goodbye to him as well as Sasuke. She could only hear him telling the Uchiha that he would take care of Hinari. She didn't know what else they discussed and breathed heavily as she came to stand next to Naruto. "Eh...Hinari?" he asked immediately and she looked at him. "" Naruto blinked and pointed in the direction where Sasuke had disappeared. Hinari looked gratefully at her friend and ran on.

Black hair could be seen moving with his steps. Sasuke realized that someone was in the forest but didn't let himself be distracted. "Sasuke!" a voice called out, bringing him to a halt. His head automatically turned back to look at his best friend. "You're an idiot, just leaving without saying goodbye!" Hinari grumbled and exhaled.

Slightly amused, Sasuke looked at the black-haired girl, reached out his hand and tousled through her hair. Hinari was confused for a moment, until she laughed. "Sorry, Hinari, but you weren't on time." "I know. The shogi slowed me down." The Uchiha grinned and looked at her best friend. "When are you coming back?"

Sasuke looked gently at the smaller girl. "I don't know. I guess it will take a while." he said thoughtfully and looked into the distance. "You know that you always have a home here, right?" Sasuke looked at Hinari with a smile. "Yes, and I thank you for going to so much trouble."

Hinari grinned before tapping her fingers against his forehead. "Take care of yourself, will you?" she asked, realizing that she was starting to tear up. Sasuke quickly hugged his best friend, who clutched his cloak. "Please don't leave me alone for so long..."

"You're not alone, Hinari." Sasuke said, holding Hinari tightly. "Naruto that idiot said he'd look after you and be there for you if anything happened. Besides, you have Shikamaru and many other friends." "'re not there..." Hinari murmured softly. "You're my family."

Smiling, Sasuke broke away from her and placed his hand on her head again. Although Hinari used to be one of the tallest girls, today she was almost the shortest. Slightly offended, Hinari looked up at him when she realized what he was thinking. "And who's trying to make these onigiris with me now?" Hinari asked, which made Sasuke laugh heartily. "You're still not making them yourself?"

"No, your mother made the best ones. But I wanted to make them with you. I've been waiting to try it with you since I could see, because you failed on your own." Hinari grinned and received a shake of the head from Sasuke. "She's still like a little kid..."

Sasuke exhaled softly. "Alright then. When I get back, we'll make onigiris together." Hinari happily threw her arms around his neck and thanked him several times. However, it was now time for him to really leave.

He briefly tousled her hair again before turning his back on her and walking on. "Take care of yourself!" Hinari called after him, Sasuke raising his arm. "Yeah yeah..." he mumbled quietly. As if he couldn't take care of himself.

Happy that Sasuke would always come home from now on, Hinari also made her way to Konoha. It was hard to take her smile away. It was hard to believe that what she had believed for years had really come true. She had always been confident that Sasuke would come back. She had never doubted it and now it had come true, and she was also very grateful to Naruto.

"Hinari!" Sakura called out and stopped in front of her. "What's wrong?" she asked immediately and looked into the slightly red face of her best friend. "Ehm...well...Sasuke tapped me on the forehead...I...I don't know..." the Haruno mumbled before she heard a laugh.

She looked at Hinari in confusion. "How cute that you're blushing." the Uchiha grinned. "Even if it doesn't look like it, it's a gesture that Itachi used to do with us. It's like when Shisui tousled my hair. It shows affection and love, in case you were wondering."

Sakura turned even redder when Hinari explained this to her. How? Sasuke showed her that he loved her?! Smiling, Hinari looked at the pink-haired girl. "Don't worry Sakura. He'll do it again and again when he's with you. Not all Uchiha can show their feelings openly, so look on the bright side. Not just anyone gets this gesture."

A smile formed on Sakura's face. Her heart beat against her chest several times. It was nice to know that the wait had been worth it. For years, she had hoped that Sasuke loved her too. And today she had felt it for the first time. Her gaze slid into the distance as she thought of him.

If he came back, she would tell Sasuke how much she loved him. "Nah come on. I'm sure we still have some work to do." Hinari grinned and Sakura nodded. Yes, now they had to work together with the other villages to keep the peace.

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