Chapter 86

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Hagoromo looked at the Uchiha with a smile. She was still determined to bring the peace that her friends had just taken over. She was really special and was not like his son Indra, who strove for power. Sasuke Uchiha was different.

"You have already fulfilled your task, Hinari Uchiha." said the older man. "No, I haven't done it yet." , she said and was looked at gently. "You have been of great help to your friends. The Juubi was weakened when it transformed into the god tree. So your friends are not in an overly powerful genjutsu, which would be normal."

The Uchiha bowed her head. She could do something, couldn't she? "But, Madara still managed to continue his plan."

"That's true, but your team is about to fight my mother. And from the looks of it, it won't be long before they win." Hagoromo explained and smiled gently. "Then why am I here?" asked Hinari. There had to be a reason why she wasn't waking up. "I can't really answer that. But I guess your mind is connected to something that has to do with me."

Confused, Hinari looked at her counterpart, who told his whole story, which he had also told Naruto and Sasuke. But no matter what he said, Hinari didn't know what part she played. "You were the first blind Uchiha. When you were born, the moon shone brighter than ever." Hagoromo mused, Hinari's eyes widening. "You're saying that Kaguya had his eye on me when I was born?"

"Well, I didn't say that, but I can imagine. Since my brother and I are also connected to her, and she probably chose you, you came here now. I don't know what she had planned for you, but that plan didn't come to pass. I suspect that it was her fault that you were born blind and she wanted you on her side for today. But you are swimming against the tide that any other Uchiha would go. You want peace in other ways like Kaguya."

Hinari briefly considered what exactly he was trying to say and now understood what would have been at stake. "If Grandma Tsunade hadn't found a way to heal my eyes, then Kaguya would have tried everything to get me to go over to her side and would have made me believe that she could give me sight." Hinari concluded, causing Hagoromo to nod.

Despite everything, Hinari had to exhale with relief. She was glad that Tsunade had found a way and that she had put the dream of Shisui and Itachi in her head. If this hadn't happened, she would have used her extended Rasengan against her friends.

"How do I get to my team?" asked Hinari, determined to support them. There was a small smirk on her lips. "You don't need to. They'll manage without you now." "What's happening to me?"

Hagoromo looked at Hinari and thought about what he could give her. Naruto and Sasuke had also received something from him. She should not have sacrificed her life for the Alliance for nothing. "I will give you a gift that you will never receive again. When you wake up, nothing will change for you, except perhaps your attitude towards others."

"My attitude? Towards what?" "The attitude towards your future. How you want to live from now on." Hagoromo explained and formed a few finger signs. "I'll give you a few minutes with people who have been with you all your life. Decide what you want to ask them and what you want to hear."

Hinari's eyes widened. Did she understand him correctly? Would she now see her family again?

A white light appeared under her feet, which rose up and enveloped her body. Her eyes turned to Hagoromo, who would never see her again from now on. "I wish you all the best for your future, Hinari Uchiha." The man spoke before she saw only a white light for a short time and then stood in a meadow of flowers.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now