Chapter 32

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Hinari hadn't really looked at the following fights. Her thoughts were on Sasuke, who had been taken to hospital by Kakashi after he had sealed the curse. Sakura had drawn with Ino, Shikamaru had progressed without any problems and Naruto had tangled with Kiba. Well, he had won because he had farted in his face, but a win is a win.

Before his fight, Hinata had fought Neij, who had beaten her up badly. Hinari hadn't had much to do with the Hyuga, but it wasn't very nice of Neji. Hinata was a lovely girl and it was only because he hated the main family that he had sent her to the hospital. However, the fight between Gaara and Lee was quite exciting. Hinari had focused on it as best she could.

She never thought Lee could fight so well. His speed was outstanding, as well as his taijutsu which helped him get through the sand. Although it looked quite good for Lee, he had lost in the end. Hinari realized that the genin was no longer feeling well. She could see it in his movements. His left side was limp and yet he hadn't wanted to give up. His stamina was strong.

"Each of you draws a piece of paper with a number. Number 1 fights against number 2 and so on. So you'll quickly know who you're up against," explained the examiner when the selection process was over. The slips of paper were quickly drawn and Hinari was relieved that she did not have to fight against her comrades, as she had been told by the examiner. Unfortunately, she had to look at the slip of paper for the longest time until she was relieved by Shikamaru. "You have the number 9." he said and told her she had to fight Dozu.

Dozu? Who was Dozu? Had she missed something? Shikamaru saw her confused face and had to stifle a smile. Dozu was standing between Gaara and her. From the looks of it, she had never been interested in him. I wonder if she knew what he could do.

Hinari went to the hospital that same day and was accompanied by Naruto. They really wanted to visit Sasuke and find out how he was doing. They didn't get far, however, as Kakashi stood in their way. "Where are you going?" "Nah, to Sasuke's!" grinned Naruto. "No visitors are allowed at the moment. Besides, you should be training for your fight."

Hinari was disappointed that she couldn't see Sasuke. But if Kakashi had already said it, then it must have really gotten to him. "Then train us!" shouted Naruto immediately and was rejected by the jonin. Why didn't he want to train with them?

"I asked a special jonin for you, Naruto." Kakashi smiled. "Aha, and who?" he asked and heard a voice behind him that was too familiar. "No, not that incompetent idiot!" "Hey Naruto! Be a bit more respectful to an elite jonin!" the man, who turned out to be Ebisu, grumbled back. To be honest, Hinari was glad that he wasn't assigned to her.

"What about me?" she asked her sensei, who lowered his gaze. "To be honest, Hinari, I don't know if it's necessary to train you. You have the chakra and your jutsu down pat. Besides, you can use the chidori I want to teach Sasuke." Kakashi replied gently. Hinari gently bit her lip. Was that a compliment or did he not know who was supposed to train her? If it was a compliment, then of course she was happy.

When she thought about it, she herself didn't know who was suitable. Kakashi was the only one with a Sharingan, though Sasuke needed it more. She could already use her Sharingan and her jutsus well. She didn't need anyone to teach her. So Hinari had found her own answer and smiled. "Then I'll train myself."

Kakashi nodded as if of his own accord. He had expected nothing less from her. She would already know what to do. The way he could judge Hinari, she would even arrive with a new jutsu. Who knows what Shisui or Itachi had taught her.

Outside in the bright sun, Hinari sat on a bench and stared at the sky. Even though she was slightly dazzled, she could make out a few wispy clouds. The smell of the trees and grass caught her nose. Sometimes she just liked to sit in nature.

Not only did it enhance her senses, but it allowed her to calm down and think about some things. Her body automatically calmed her as the wind blew through her hair. It was a feeling of freedom that enveloped her. "Being a cloud would be nice, wouldn't it?" she heard Shikamaru say, who was already almost beside her.

A smile played around her lips. "I don't know. I don't really know what a cloud looks like." The bench creaked slightly as the Nara sat down and looked at the clouds as well. "They are white and have different shapes. You could also describe them as a kind of cotton candy or like the fur of a sheep. Sometimes they appear, sometimes they don't. Mostly they indicate when it's time for rain."

Hinari had to smile a little. She thought it was kind of cute how he explained all this to her. "Why do you want to be a cloud?" she finally asked, looking at him.

"I don't know. You're carefree and don't have to do too much. Flying around in the sky all day would be nice." muttered the Nara, which made Hinari laugh. "You'll never change, will you?" Shikamaru looked questioningly at the Uchiha. What did she mean by that? He was normal.

"You're often annoyed or bored. You hardly want to do anything because you're not interested. You're... carefree, you don't let yourself get stressed. But that's not a bad thing, I actually like that about you." Hinari grinned and didn't find it embarrassing to tell him that. There certainly weren't many people who would tell him the truth. "But I think when it comes down to it, you're there for your friends. And I'm grateful that you never said that about me."

With widened eyes, Shikamaru looked at the girl who laughed again. "Yes, I noticed that you were watching me. But I don't think it's bad."

Slightly ashamed, Shikamaru looked down at the floor. Was he really that transparent to her? Sitting next to her was pleasant for him. She didn't annoy him at all, felt the nature. Hinari was unlike anyone else he had ever met. Was Asuma right in his suspicions about what he had talked to him about earlier? Wasn't he only interested in her because he wanted to solve her riddle? Did he just want to be close to her? Had his heart chosen this girl even though he didn't know what love was?

No matter how often he thought about it, Shikamaru had to admit to himself that Asuma was probably right. Without ever knowing it, his heart had decided in favor of the Uchiha.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now