Chapter 43

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When the next chunin examination took place, Temari was visiting. As Gaara became the new Kazekage, a new peace treaty was signed between Sunagakure and Konohagakure. The two villages were now allies, which was certainly also thanks to Naruto. You could see that Gaara had changed, and for the better. Unfortunately, Naruto couldn't see that because he was still on his training trip.

Hinari didn't have to take part in this exam because Tsunade wouldn't register her for it. After all, she wanted to make Hinari a chunin anyway. However, Shikamaru had a lot to do during this time, as he had to plan everything together with Temari. And for some reason, that didn't suit Hinari at all.

She wasn't angry that Shikamaru didn't have time, but rather angry that she minded that he was doing something with Temari. The blonde was a nice person if you knew her, but Hinari just wanted her to disappear. Was that jealousy she suddenly felt?

As soon as Hinari walked into the alley, she heard Temari. Her voice only upset the Uchiha. She didn't realize that her face tensed and her teeth gritted. "Well, what's wrong with you?" asked Ino, who was watering the flowers. Ino raised her eyebrow when Hinari didn't respond. "Hello? Hinari?"

A small laugh could be heard as Sakura approached. She had seen Shikamaru and Temari a few minutes ago and they had gotten on well. "What's there to laugh about?!" Hinari suddenly hissed, which she caught despite herself. Sakura still had to laugh a little behind her hand, which Ino didn't understand at all.

"I never thought that an Uchiha could be jealous." Sakura giggled and Ino slowly understood what it was all about. A small grin crept onto her lip. "So, Shikamaru then."

Hinari clenched her hands into fists angrily. "Shut your mouth!" the black-haired girl hissed and activated her Sharingan for a moment. "Calm down, Hinari. Temari and Shikamaru are just friends." Sakura tried to tell her. "Yes, they talk a lot because the chunin exam is coming up. They have to work together." said Ino, who was taking care of the flowers on the side. "Hn..."

Sakura put an arm around the Uchiha. "Come on, we can go eat onigiri." she smiled, causing Hinari's eyes to light up. Onigiris was still her favorite food and always there to calm her down. "I guess you can't say no to that." Sakura laughed and looked at Ino. "Are you coming?"

For a moment, Yamanaka wondered whether she could go with her. Actually, her mother was also in the store. Besides, there wasn't that much going on, so she smiled and nodded. Hinari and Sakura didn't have to wait long for their friend, who came out of the store after a few seconds and ran off.

When Hinari thought about it, she had completely misjudged the two of them. Even if they were annoying at the academy, they weren't that bad at all. Sakura and Ino had not only changed on the outside, but also on the inside. Sakura had previously been an excellent kunoichi who had mastered medicine far too quickly. She had heard that Ino had also tried it, which might be enough for minor wounds.

"Too bad you're not taking the exam." Sakura said as she ordered the onigiri and tea. Hinari looked at her best friend with a smile. "Well, Tsunade wants to give me the chunin rank, so it would be unnecessary to take part. Besides, the teams wouldn't work out, which is why you can form a team with Ino and Choji now."

Ino nodded and had to agree with Hinari. Sakura would have needed two people to form a team of three. The fact that she and Choji were the only two of them came in handy. Hinari bit into an onigiri with relish and closed her eyes. Everyone knew that she was behaving like a child, but this was not a bad thing for anyone. It was nice to see Hinari so carefree.

What Sakura and Ino wondered was whether Hinari even knew how attractive she was despite everything. There were many pretty girls, but Hinari surpassed them all. Was that perhaps an Uchiha thing? Or did Hinari just have good genes?

"Is something wrong?" the Uchiha asked with her mouth full. "No, everything's fine." Sakura smiled and waved her hands slightly. Hinari could see her nervousness, though. "Are you sure?" she asked, with Ino supporting the Haruno. "In that case..." Hinari began, smiling and biting into the next onigiri. Whatever it was, it wouldn't bother her any further.

At the same time, Shikamaru and Temari walked past the snack bar, causing the Nara to turn his gaze to the Uchiha. Temari quickly noticed his gaze and smiled. She had never seen him like this since she knew Shikamaru. He should tell Hinari how he felt about her. "You should tell her."

"What are you talking about?" the Nara asked, slightly annoyed. He didn't feel like talking to her about Hinari. "Nah, about Hinari. I can see that you like her." Rolling his eyes, Shikamaru walked on. If he looked at the Uchiha any longer, he would really have to justify himself. "Or are you scared?" Temari teased with a grin. "Don't annoy me."

Temari laughed softly. Okay, Shikamaru was really afraid to reveal his feelings to her.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now