Chapter 29

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Under a tree, among the roots, Team 7 took a break. Sasuke and Naruto were unconscious and the girls had no choice but to protect them. Sakura explained to the Uchiha the situation they had gotten into, which Naruto was never to know. Hinari understood her view of the Uzumaki and nodded. Inwardly, she was angry with herself. If she had seen something, then she could have done something. But no, her fucking blindness wouldn't let her!

A hectic movement made Hinari look up. "Just a squirrel..." mumbled Sakura, who sat down again and relaxed. Minutes, maybe hours, passed as Hinari rested. She hadn't realized that she had already used too much chakra. "Nah, who do we have here?" asked a ninja who appeared with his team. Once again, the sign of Otogakure could be seen.

The girls quickly stood up and got into fighting positions. "Clever of you to set up a trap, but unfortunately it destroyed you when you threw the kunai at the squirrel." Sakura swallowed and tightened her grip on the kunai. She couldn't show any weakness now. Just before an attack came, a ninja stood in front of the girls. "That's pretty unfair, three goes two."

"Lee." Sakura breathed. "I told you I would protect you." When had he said that? Hinari hadn't listened to him when they first met. Sounds of a fight could be heard and to Hinari it sounded like Lee was winning. "Frontal Lotus!"

There was a tremor as Lee crashed to the ground with his opponent, who was still able to stand. Shortly afterwards, Hinari heard those sound waves again, which she had heard before. Just like the last time, she pressed her hands to her ears. "Lee!"

Sakura looked angrily at the Otoninjas. It was time to act herself and so she ran. Again and again she tried to fight her opponents, but was hit herself. She was hit in the face several times until the woman grabbed her hair. "Let her go!" shouted Hinari, who ran towards the ninjas and struck.

While she was busy with the sound ninja, Sakura cut off her hair to finally stab her kunai into the woman's leg. "You little brat!" At that moment, there was an explosion as Hinari hit the ninja with her jutsu, but the ninja released a sound wave and threw the Uchiha away. "Hinari!"

"Hey you cheaters!" shouted Ino, who came out of the bushes. Her team had been watching until now and had decided to intervene. These ninjas were simply playing unfairly. But after just a few minutes they realized that it wasn't such a good idea.

These three were never genin! "Who did this to you?" asked a cold voice that belonged to Sasuke. "I..." stuttered Sakura who looked up. "I asked who did this." Hinari opened her mouth. "I guess it was me." the sound ninja grinned and was immediately attacked by the Uchiha. One could only stand to see how he loved to hurt her.

The Klangninja's arms were dislocated while Sasuke grinned. Nobody hurt his team, especially not Hinari! The Uchiha felt a tremendous force from Sasuke. What had that curse creature done? She didn't even recognize her friend. Sasuke was a completely different person. "Sasuke stop it!" begged Sakura, who wrapped her arms around him and cried. "Please, stop!"

The Uchiha looked over his shoulder and turned his eyes from Sakura to Hinari, who was looking at him fearfully. Was he scaring her so much with that power? Didn't she understand that he could defeat Itachi with it?

But Sasuke didn't want her to be afraid of him and suppressed this power. The mark disappeared and left the opponents alone, who handed him the scroll. Exhausted, he sank to his knees and looked at Team 10, who were present.

Lee was also present, supported by his team. The Huyga looked at Sasuke before leaving the square. His behavior was strange, but you could tell that he wanted to fight. "Come on, I'll do your hair." Ino smiled and took Sakura aside.

Hinari approached Sasuke and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her gently. "Sorry." Hinari smiled and lifted her head to look at Shikamaru. "Thank you for helping." "Gladly, even if it was annoying."

Hinari laughed softly. "Did I miss something?" asked a still tired Naruto, which made Hinari laugh even harder. He had actually slept through the whole thing.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now