17| Invitation

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"God, I hate exams." You chuckled at Jennie sulking after hearing the date of your first final exam. "You studied?"

"Nah, you?"

"Don't even ask me. I didn't even open my book because of Jungkook." She shook her head in disapproval. "I told you he is a bad influence." You couldn't control your eyes from rolling. "As if you are good."

( Author: Wish I could skip my exam days like I am doing it now😭 )

|1 month later|

Exams were a drag, but hopefully, they are at the end since results come up today.

"No way." Jennie sulked. Habits.
"What?" You asked, curious. She just squeezed herself in the crowd howling in the corner to check our marks after losing in rock paper scissors against you. Duh. You always win.

"I asked, what the result is." She dares to keep her mouth shut. Cheater. "Never mind. I'll check it myself." And your eyes held pride yet shock.

1. Park Jangmi 99.2%

2. Lee Yn 98.1%

Just one fucking percent. No doubt she is the president.

26. Jeon Jungkook 44%

27. Park Jimin 41%

It is quite shocking to see the once topper drooping so low. Who cares. Like he said, it is his life. Anyways, he is still higher than Jimin, and that is more than enough for me.

Poor Jennie was at 18 with a 76%. It's still good.

Now let me deal with her for not telling me this good news.


"Finally, vacations are here!!" Jennie squealed in happiness. "The next time we come here, we will be tagged as seniors." Look at that pride. "Being in the second year doesn't mean we are seniors." You remarked. "You see, there will be first years as well, so technically, we will be the junior-seniors. In third year mid-seniors and in fourth year we will be the actual seniors. God, I am so excited!" You cringed at how she thought so positively about the future. You mean, you both might get hit by an asteroid the next second and die.

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