22| Man whore

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"Mornin." You heard his melodious voice echoing through your ears as the first thing when you wake up. How you dreamt about all this and how it is coming true makes you gleeful. His scent did things to your mind you couldn't decipher, and his hands trailed through the smooth ends of her hair as he gazed into the deep end of your hazel eyes.

"Hmm... Freshen up. My Dad could be here anytime." You told him, but he just didn't listen nor pay attention. As if he is lost in your eyes. For a second. For a mere second, you saw that look in his eyes. The look you hold every time you look at him.

The look of love.

Maybe it's just your imagination, but yeah. You saw it. "Jungkook?"

"They left and along with Mom and Dad. Seulgi is in Korea." He rolled his eyes, looking annoyed. Jungkook always hated her. She was his cousin, and you actually had no reason for the same. He said she always complains about him to his parents. "Why is she here?" You asked, playing with his soft hair.

"Her best friends father had a transfer in Korea. So Seulgi is here to help them settle." He looks so cute annoyed. "She will leave later. There is no need to ruin your morning because of her." You tried to comfort him, but he suddenly sat up, throwing your arm that was massaging his scalp away.

"She fucking wants me to take care of her best friends sister since she is gonna be studying with us. What is she? A baby? Then I am sorry to say because I ain't a babysitter." You chuckled at his state. "C'mon. You need some breakfast to throw that frustration away." He pouted then once again lay down beside you.

"Let's cuddle. It is still 8." He said as he snuggled his head in your neck. "Why?" You mumbled. "You're warm." And with that, you loosened yourself in his embrace once again.

The next you opened your eyes, he was nowhere to be found. The shower was running, so he probably was taking a bath. Checking the time, you realized that it was already 11.

You just sat letting your mind go back to the events last night. They were the best and the most memorable. You can't deny it didn't make you feel good, happy, and lively. No matter how heavenly the night was, the morning bought a sense of regret.

Not entirely. You don't regret giving him your virginity, but you also do. All you can think of is that now you are one of his hoes. One of his fucks. One of his one night stands. He doesn't love you. And no. You can't deny it. Last night was the perfect proof.

You found lust, care, gentleness, worry, excitement, and whatnot. But the thing you longed for the most was not there. Even if it was, who cares? Because you didn't see it. And now you have to move on. Tch. You always say that, and in the end? You are in his arms. This once you have to be stable, dear Yn.

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