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You are very happy today. Like you were already happy but it just got better, cause you are happier. The defeated look on Sooyeon's face is something to laugh your ass at.

"I told ya, sweety. I will rule, and it is surprising that YOU are cheering for me. Thanks, though. You cheered well. I will give you a partial part of our win. Right, girls?" You mocked her having extreme fun as your teammates cooed. She surely was gonna cry, but you soon seized your laughs at the smirk she suddenly wore.

"At least I am the talk of the town. You -" She poked her finger at your chest. "might have won, but no one cares." She passed a sly smile. "You see this body. That's what they want. Not you. I got the attention, darling. And I am sure you won't get any from that body and dress of yours." She threw that so not sexy smirk at you again, but you were too busy laughing again that you had controlled after great problems.

"Guys. THE Sooyeon herself accepted that she is an attention seeker." You announced loud, and all the students in the hall started muttering and whispering. "Oh, sweety." You inched closer to her just so that the conversation stays limited between you two. "I don't want attention because I ain't a slut like you." You retreated back and gave her the same sly smile she always threw you.

You now were in the changing room, removing your jersey that was drenched in sweat. It was simple. Full blue tracks with a white shirt with blue stripes. You chose this design for your teammates. And listening to Sooyeon, you find that she is right. Don't get the wrong idea. She indeed was right, but partially when she pointed out the dress.

You had played 4 games today, achieving a direct win for all. The quarter finals were to be held 3 days later as the stadium would be busy with tennis matches. In all the games, you noticed your girls struggling with the dress. Of course, the outfit you chose was not for volleyball. You chose what you liked and were comfortable with and it was selfish, but the girls didn't point it out at all, though their problems were quite evident.

You had talked about this with couch Ramirez, and she had agreed on arranging a proper volleyball outfit. But sadly it would arrive till the finals until then your team might have to struggle.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when a few girls were heard walking in. You were done with changing and were about to leave the cubicle, but you halted your steps and the mention of your name.

"We are gonna play the finals with Crestwood for sure, Emma." A girl whined. You wondered which campus she belonged to. You haven't even completed quarter finals, and she was already expecting things.
"Goodness. They couldn't even win the first round of competitions and now. I am impressed." You grinned to yourself with pride. "It is all because of their new captain."

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