7| Virgin

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"You lied to me!!." You whined.

"No, I didn't. You never asked." Jennie shrugged. The fuck are you supposed to do?

Jungkook will kill you if he gets to know about this.

Why the fuck is the music so loud?!?!






"Tell your nosy brother to lower the volume of that shit!" You scolded the poor girl who followed your command politely.

"Yes. Turn it off if you don't want to die." You looked back at the voice and saw Yoongi sleeping.

"Look, if you are with us, you have to adjust. We all love loud music." Jimin said with an annoyed expression. Then Yoongi? Is he deaf or what?

This fucker ignores you for almost a year and now pops up just to act like a dick?!?!

You are trusfrated.

Frustated, I meant.

"Like I chose to be here." You scoffed.

"If you have so many problems just get the fuck out!" Why the hell is he screaming? Only you have a reason to do that.

"Oh, I will. Stop the car, Taehyung." This ignorant brat.
"I said, stop the car."

"Hey, hey calm down babe." Hoseok bugged. A death wish is what he desires, huh?

"Dare to say that once more and it's off with your head."

"Stop fighting like a little girl, Yn." Jimin said in a mocking tone which didn't faze you at all. The boy knew he made a mistake at the express you held.

"You know what, Jimin. Majority of men use just fists to fight. If I would fight like a little girl, I would rip your head off with my nails.... or teeth, and yes. You would beg me to stop." You said dangerously serious. You hated when men took down girls. They must know their place too.

"Yn. Please. For me. We will enjoy ourselves. Don't mind them." Jennie stopped you, almost crying. Guess this is how it goes then.


"We will stop by this forest and have lunch. Later, you can roam around if you wish but be back before 5. Don't forget to take care of your phones." Hoseok said in the most excited voice. Is he our teacher for the trip?

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