12| He what?!

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"Yes, you." He softly says and sighs once again. "I, too, have everything. Everything that Jungkook has is within my reach, but again, he always has things in an enormous amount more than mine. We can't forget the fact that his family is the top richest in our city. I wouldn't mind, though. Jealousy is not an everyday thing for me. Jungkook is the king, and he knows it best. Flaunting his riches every second. " This is something new now.

"Before he arrived on campus, I was the only name that came to be heard every single day from everyone. The hot topic I was. When Jungkook came, he took me down. I didn't mind, but he started to talk shit about me disrespecting me and teasing me for nothing but fame that was now his. He showed off new girls to me, saying I didn't have a good dick to pleasure them." You noticed Jimin's jaw clenching as his tone slightly changed.

"And then I knew. I knew I had to show him his limits. We then bragged about our women, how many we fucked and dated, we bragged about our riches, our friends, threw big parties and whatnot. But of course. Jungkook always exceeded me. I still can't believe that I got myself up for a fight that was never mine. I should've known. Jungkook is the king, and he always will be." This is just a lot for you to take in at once. Suddenly, he embraced your hands with his.

"Trust me. I was never like this. I always respected girls. I accept that I just ignored the lessons my mother always taught on how to treat girls." A smile broke on his face as an undeniable glow radiated.

"Then you came. In that car, looking as beautiful as ever. My motto was to use you to hurt Jungkook. But my heart fell for you." You don't want to accept the genuine love of his voice. "The way you fought with me, the way you walked, the way you behaved and talked and the way you made me feel inside was something so........ beautiful yet different. I- I probably sound like an idiot but I love you. I really do." Okay. This is a LOT to take in. Love? And me? Please tell me this is a joke.

To avoid the nervousness and shock you were experiencing, you simply took your hands back. He hesitantly looked into your eyes, and as if he read your mind, he again spoke.

"I was jealous that you were always with Jungkook, so I posted those pictures to tell all boys that you already have my heart, and I doubt having two might be troublesome."

He sounds so gentle and genuine. If someone else was here, then they won't be able to stop staring at these luscious lips and kiss them as acceptance. But this is you. Someone whose heart is already taken. Yet you can't hide the blush creeping up because of this confession.

"Hahaha. This is your plan. Excellent I must say. Though it won't work on me." You said, acting all confident at the disappointment grazing his face.

"I-I really lo- forget it. I should've known this would be it. What did I even expect? I can do anything for you. Be it when or what." The desperation laced got you confused.

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