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You were ready. Ready for what was coming and were sure for it to end well. This once you plan to risk it all. For him. Always for him.

He wants it too, then why deny it? Is it because you are not experienced, but you know you will do well.

"Yn." He looked down at you this time with a firmer gaze, showing that he doesn't want you to do this. But you did what your gut said and cupped his cock in your lean fingers only to earn a breathy groan from him that sent shocks down your spine.

And to your surprise, he suddenly jerked you up, wearing his sweatpants back.

You stared at him as he closed his eyes as if processing the situation because he hell knows that this isn't you. You yourself can't believe it. But for him, you can do anything.

When he opened his eyes, his orbs looked at you with so much that you couldn't decipher. You were disgusted in yourself. He doesn't want you, so you should accept it. Not throw yourself on him like that.

With a heavy sigh, you looked down. "I- I am sorry. I don't know what go -" But before you could continue, his lips captured yours with so much power that you both ended up on the bed behind with him on top.

His kiss was urgent, and you found it hard to cope up with, your stomach churning with a weird sensation. His hands trailed down your face to the hem of your shirt as he hastily pulled it off you, connecting his lips again. His kiss was so fast yet passionate and hot as if he couldn't control anymore. It felt as if he was always waiting for this day.

You were now moaning lowly as he dipped his tongue in your mouth, thrusting it with so much dedication. You roamed your fingers on his back, trailing them towards him neck as you deepened the kiss.

He suddenly pulled away, taking his shirt off in a swift movement. You expected him to attach your lips again, but he rather stared at your body, making you a little insecure. His eyes met yours, and he spoke, "Gorgeous." He bent down close to your face again, and his orbs suddenly held hesitation. "Think it over." He pleaded. "Did. A million times." You whispered back at and looked at him fazed eyes on his lips. "You will regr-" And you smashed your lips on his for a hot kiss, "I would never." You spoke after pulling away, and he now looked down at you with amusement. "Ask me to stop anytime."

"I am marking you mine tonight." And suddenly his voice wasn't sweet. Rather, it was hoarse and sexy. But what does that mean? He doesn't love you, does he?

I Was Never Yours || J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now