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Jake has to be okay! He just has to be. I can't lose him. He is like a brother I never had. He was always there for me. He can't be hurt. He is Jake he will get through this. I hope.

"Mia please," I hear Louis say from beside me. We are on our way to the hospital. I have been quiet since we have been driving and Karina is the same. Derek just got into a fight too. He was in no shape to fight. Still hurt from the damage Liam and Louis caused. But he deserved that one he got into Louis' face.

"I'm fine," my voice cracks. He knows I am NOT fine. My cheeks are red and wet from warm tears.

"Please," Karina says again. She has been saying that ever since we have left. I guess she went into shock. I try to hug her but she shrugs me off and glares at me. What did I do?! Look towards Louis and try to see his face but it's all blurry because of the tears that are threatening to come off.

"Why is she pushing me away?" I whisper to him. I hug him and burry my face into his side. I am her best friend I have known her forever why won't she let me comfort her. I didn't cause this.

"Why are you pushing me apart?" He asks me wiping the tears that fell.

"I don't mean to. I'm sorry. It's just I want Jake to be okay. I can't lose him he is like a brother to me," I explain pushing hair behind my ear.

"He is fine Mia I am sure of it. They would've told you something on the phone if it was severe. But why didn't they call Karina?" He asks. I have been wondering that. Why haven't they called her? I'm sure they were suppose to call her.

"I don't know. Karina did they call you?" I asks quietly. She looks at me and rolls her eyes and checks her phone.

"Yeah, but I missed it worrying about Derek," she says harshly. Why is she acting like this?! I didn't cause the fight. I didn't tell Jake to go call Derek to help him fight.

"Please stop stressing the baby," Louis whispers in my ear. I sigh and nod my head. He starts to rub my shoulders the best that he can since he is sitting right next to me.

"We are here Louis," the driver tells us. Louis opens the door for Karina and I and get out. Louis wraps his arm around my waist while Karina walks ahead of us. I get it I'm worried about Jake too but you don't see me glaring at people.

"Don't worry probably just worried," Louis whispered into my ear. I nod and we walk in.

"May I help you?" The receptionist asks not looking up at us. I narrow my eyes slightly.

"Watch this love," Lou whispers ad turn to the young girl. "Yes you may my girlfriend and I are see to we Jake Gonzales," he says boldly. I roll my eyes he is either gonna make her fan girl or act like a smart ass.

"Oh are you even family- oh my god you are Louis Tomlinson," she exclaims. Louis crosses his arms and looks at her up and down.

"Well aren't you Sherlock Holmes. Yes my girlfriend is family that's her cousin. So can we have the number," he says while rolling his eyes.

"Ease up in her Lou," I say soft. I touch his arm and nods and relaxes. "Can you just give us the room number?"

"Yes sorry for the wait," she says quickly. I turn expecting to see Karina in the waiting room but she is no where in there.

"Coming Mia?" I nod and hold on to Louis's arm. We walk together and I hold on to Louis' arm. We walk together and we don't get stopped by a fan once. I walk in the room and gasp. Jake is laying on the hospital bed pale as I ever seen him before. A bruise on his left eye, busted lip, and scraps on each of his cheeks and it looks like maybe a sprained wrist and ankle from where I'm standing.

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