reesescup10 requested this chapter!!
[Who You Are] - You are Yara Whateveryouwantyourlastnametobe
[Your Powers] - You can turn yourself into any liquid. You can also reanimate the deceased. You have control over water, fire, wind, and the earth. You can take control of another person's body.
[Context] - While wandering through the dark and treacherous lands of Outworld, Yara encountered Havik, a fierce and mighty warrior known for his chaotic nature. To her surprise, he didn't treat her with fear or disdain but instead showed interest in her unique powers.
**************************{Yara's POV}
After hearing other villagers speak about me negatively, I transformed into water and slid away from them. People fear and hate me because of my powers. I didn't ask for them; someone or something gave them to me. I don't understand how these people can't understand how long I've kept them safe. There's always a war that no one has prepared for since General Shao won't believe me and allow his army to prepare for it.
Using my magic, I've raised people from the dead just to help me defeat and banish our enemies. I don't even care for a "Thank you". All I want is to be treated equally by everyone. Even Tarkatans and Saurians treat me like trash. I've done nothing to deserve this.
As I returned to my Outworld form, I walked down the street. I was ignoring the dirty looks and glares coming from other people. The sidewalk was very crowded. I was pushed out of the way by many people. I accidentally knocked into a little girl, making her drop her bag of groceries.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized and kneeled to her height, "Allow me to assist you."
The girl and I scrambled on the ground. Her groceries were kicked around by passing civilians. As I got near to picking up the last bit of her dropped groceries, someone had aimed their sword at my face. I slowly lifted my head to look at the person trying to threaten me. I say "trying" because i am far too powerful to be taken down by a simple sword.
"Step back from the child, freak!" The person— who I realized was a woman, shouted.
I sighed and ignored the woman. I continued to help the little girl pick up her groceries until the woman kicked me back. Irritated, I jumped up from my position on the ground and engulfed my hands in flames. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me.
"Like flames can take down a sword—" she said sarcastically.
I cut her off by taking control of her mind. I made her hand me her sword and walk far away. People crowding us scoffed and called me there for taking the sword. Others backed away in fear, afraid I'd use my powers against them next. I dumped the rest of the girl's groceries in her bag, stood up, and faced her.
"Again, i apologize for bumping into you," I apologized again.
"Thank you for helping me!" The little girl smiled.
I nodded and began to walk away; then, I felt small arms wrap around my waist. The little girl was hugging me. People gasped in horror, afraid of what I was going to do. I simply stroked the girl's hair until she let me go. As she sprinted off, she smiled and waved at me. People still looked at me, but receiving a cold glare was all they took to look away, and I continued walking.
I walked into a secluded area, hoping no one would find me there. I smiled at the sound of nature and hummed a simple song. Birds flew close to me and chirped as I giggled.
"Hey," a voice called from behind me.
It was Havik. He was a well-known and respected man in Outworld. He can be an asshole to some, but I'm not one to judge. I smiled up at him since he towered over me.
"Hi!" I smiled and stuck my hand out for him to shake, "Havik, right?"
He smirked and shook my hand, "Yeah. Sorry, I don't know your name."
Surprised he touched me, unlike other people, I stuttered, "Y-Yara. My name is Yara."
"You're the one with the chaos powers, huh?"
Embarrassed, I nodded. Havik continued speaking, "It's cool."
"I think your powers are incredible. You can change into any liquid. You can control all the elements. You can raise the dead. You can control other people— I'm impressed."
"You don't think I'm a freak? A-a monster?"
"Not at all. You're extraordinary. Embrace it."
"Change into lava."
"Change into lava! I wanna see."
I took a deep breath and did as he said. I melted into lava and slid around Havik. He lifted his feet out of the way. When I thought that demonstration was enough, I returned to my Outworld form.
"Can you only control one element of many at once?" Havik asked me.
"I can control two," I said and spawned fire and earth.
"That's cool," Havik complimented as I smiled, "I'm not going to ask you to bring a dead person here. And I've already seen you control another person."
"I don't understand why people dislike me so much."
"Neither do I. I've seen you be kind, helpful, and smart. People are just jealous they're not as cool as you."
I laughed and thanked Havik for the compliments. He reached his hand out for me to grab, and I did. We started walking around the neighborhood, getting to know each other. Havik began to lead me to a more public area. I stopped walking, which grabbed his attention.
He turned towards me, "Trust me. You'll be fine."
As we walked past the villagers, they looked surprised at my presence alongside Havik. He glared at everyone who gawked at us, which made them look away in fear. Astonished, I gasped and looked at Havik with a surprised expression. He smirked at me and looked forward. I looked forward as well and noticed no one was glaring at me.
If that's all it takes to be treated equally, then I think I'll stay around Havik from now on.
WORDS: 1034

Mortal Kombat Characters x Readers
FanfictionYou are inside the 2023 MK1 World!!!! Either as their child, partner, parent, or sibling. Enjoy!!