{Daddy Takahashi- er, I mean Kenshi Takahashi}
It is early morning, and you and Kenshi are in bed together, half awake. You lay on top of him, legs wrapped around his waist, arms wrapped around his torso, head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Kenshi wraps his arms around you, with his hand rubbing your back. He places soft kisses on your head now and then.
You both refuse to sleep, wanting to stay awake and in the other's embrace. You unravel your limbs from around Kenshi's body and curl up into a ball on his torso, now burying your face in his neck. He chuckles with his deep voice as you kiss him a million times in the same place. He moves his arms so one cradles your back, and his other hand is placed on the side of your thigh. Not wanting to remove his hands from you, he moves his face around to try and get the bandana, that is irritating the placs where his eyes used to be, unwrinkled.
"Babe?" He calls for your attention as you hum in response, "Could you move my bandana for me?"
You sit up and see the banda is all scrunched up. You grab the bottom and top of it and smoothen it out. Kenshi smiles at you, appreciating that you helped. As you lie back down, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you," he said, "I appreciate you."
You blushed, "You don't have to thank me, Kenshi. I'd do anything for you. I love you."
He smiled proudly at your words, feeling nothing could bring him down from his happy mood... Except for his following sentence.
"I love you, too, Suchin." It was at this moment he knew. He fucked up.
After digesting what he had called you, you shot up. He looked at you, fear filling his eyes. He watched as your eyes flooded with tears.
"(Y/N), I—" he tried to speak but stopped once you got off the bed and left the room, "Where are you going?!"
He followed you out of the room to watch what you were doing. He started panicking once he watched you walk closer and closer to the front door. His breathing became heavy. The last thing he'd ever wanted was for you to leave him. It was just a simple mistake! He's over, Suchin, he wants you!
"(Y/N), no, god no, please," Kenshi cried, trying to get you to stay, "Don't leave me! Please, it was a simple mistake! I love you so much, please don't go! I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm sorry."
"You love me?" She asked, with fake sincerity as he nodded vigorously, and promised that he did, "Or do you love Suchin? Maybe you should go back to her. Let's hope you don't call her my name by accident."
And with that, you left. Kenshi groaned, feeling self-hatred for hurting you. He decided to give you space and time before chasing after you. He has never felt so stressed in his life. He collapsed on the couch, wondering what to do. Is this the end of them?
Five bucks says I give a part two{Johnny Cage}
Johnny grabbed a glass and poured me a glass of wine. We were celebrating our third anniversary. We're not married, we're dating. Johnny is focusing on himself- how to be a better person and appreciate the things he has now.
"To me," he said as he raised his glass.
"Cage," I threatened playfully.
He laughed and shook his head, "To us."
We clicked our glasses together and took a sip. I asked Johnny about his upcoming movie, and he told me every little detail. I smiled proudly at his work and how much he loved it. I never miss the opportunity to tell him how proud I am of him. I think he loves the attention, as well.
"The set sounds beautiful, Johnny," I admired what I could picture.
"Oh, it is!" He boasted, "You'll love it, Christina!"
I choked on my wine after hearing him say a name that wasn't mine, "Excuse me?!"
"(Y/N)! I-I meant (Y/N)!" He tried to correct himself.
"No, you meant Christina," I said, tears filling my eyes, "This whole time, did you wish she were here?"
"(Y/N), I don't see how—"
"Just answer the question!"
"No! No, okay?! Sure, I-I miss her, but I'm glad I have you. You've shown me things no one else can. You helped me better myself even though I still have slip-ups. I love you, (Y/N), and i wouldn't trade you for Christina or anyone else in this trash world!"
Tears fell down my face as I tried to wipe them as fast as I could before more fell. A small smile was placed on my face by Johnny's words, "Not even Kenshi?" I joked.
He laughed and teased back, "Babe, there's a line that I'd rather you didn't cross."
I laughed along with him and nodded. He spoke again, "Forgive me? Stay with me?"
Instead of answering, I moved closer to him. I studied his facial expression. Fear. Sadness. Hope. Admiration. No tricks. No lies. Making my decision, I stood on the tip of my toes and softly kissed his lips. He sighed in relief.
"Of course, Cage," I agreed, "I wouldn't pour three years of a relationship with you down the drain just because of a simple mistake."
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said and kissed me again, "I love you so much."
"I love you, too, Johnny."
"I'll race you back to the castle, Ashrah!" Syzoth said, then took off.
I stayed still. I stood where I was until Syzoth returned to me. He just called me Ashrah. That's not my name, and he knows it.
I know he realized his mistake because not long after he ran, he returned. Fear was written all over his face. I didn't show any expression, but I was livid. After all this time of dating me, he was still thinking of Ashrah.
"(Y/N)?" He called hesitantly, "I don't know what to say, I—"
"Say you'll stay away from me," I told him, "Say you'll stay far away from me."
Syzoth started fidgeting as he spoke, "N-no! I can't. Please, (Y/N), I'm so s-sorry."
I scoffed and began walking away. I heard Syzoth's footsteps behind me, so I sped up—tears from my eyes trickled down my cheeks and chin. I tried to stop them because I didn't want him to see me cry. Syzoth always knows how to make me feel better whenever I'm sad, crying, and upset, and I didn't want this to be the case.
Tired of him following me, I turned around and snapped at him, "Syzoth, go away! I don't want to see you right now!"
"Not until you allow me to apologize," he said, "Will you let me apologize?"
I sighed, "Go ahead."
He grabbed both my hands, and surprisingly, I didn't protest. I looked to the ground to avoid eye contact.
"Please look at me," he pleaded, but I ignored him, "(Y/N)?"
"Just say what you have to say so I can leave!" I exclaimed.
He looked heartbroken but continued speaking anyway, "(Y/N), I can not apologize without you understanding how much I mean it. It was my mistake to say Ashrah's name instead of yours. I'll understand if you never want to see me again. I know you hate me. But just know that I will always love you. I will always regret hurting you. I'll, uh, I'll head home now. I love you, (Y/N)."
I watched Syzoth walk away. Unsure of what to do. Should I take him back? He seemed sincere. I didn't want him out of my life, but i didn't want him to make that mistake again. I didn't want to be hurt. But him leaving me also hurt. I can't risk letting my heart stay broken. I love him.
"I love you, too, Syzoth," I announced.
He stopped walking and turned around to face me. He had that biggest smile on his face, which made one grow on mine. He ran as fast as he could towards me and picked me up. He swung me around in circles and kissed me. When he broke away from the kiss, he rested his forehead on mine.
"You do?" He asked for confirmation.
"I do," I said, then kissed him again.
WORDS: 1425

Mortal Kombat Characters x Readers
FanficYou are inside the 2023 MK1 World!!!! Either as their child, partner, parent, or sibling. Enjoy!!