Three Little Words (Angst/Fluff)

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Unohana_Supermacy requested this one-shot

[Who You Are] - Your name is Riya Yung (Rye-yah Young)

[What You Look Like] - (Pic up top)

[Your Powers] - Telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing allow her to read thoughts and give her targets waking nightmares and super speed. But, your powers are the color yellow.

[Context] - It's the end of MK11, and Liu Kang is about to restart the timeline. Throughout this timeline, he had a secret relationship with you. He didn't want anyone to know because he didn't wish for Kronika to find and use you against him. He promises to reunite with you once the timeline resets, and everyone is safe and back to normal. Resetting the timeline will also reset your memory. You will not remember him or the promise he made you. He has to prove his love for you.

"May no timelines be riddled by your evil," Lui Kang said as Shang Tsung disintegrated.

Once Shang Tsung was gone, Liu Kang put Kronika's crown on his head and floated towards the hourglass. I stood there watching him. I wondered if this was the right thing to do. Would I remember him and our relationship after the timeline resets? I couldn't handle not knowing.

"Liu Kang, wait!" I stopped him.

"What is it, Riya?" He asked, "We don't have much time."

"What if I don't remember you? Our relationship? What then?"

He sadly sighed and hovered towards me, "I will come find you. I promise."

"Alright, you'll find me, but that doesn't mean everything will be the same."

He put his hands on both sides of my face, "We'll start over, then. This time, I won't be afraid to announce I'm in a relationship with you because there won't be anyone to harm you."

"Liu Kang—"

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me, Riya?"

"Yes, of course, I trust you! But I still have doubts—"

"Let's not doubt. Let's hope. Let's hope that even though your mindset will change, your love for me won't. Alright?"

I smiled sadly, "Alright. Okay."

Liu Kang hovered back over towards the hourglass and started resetting it. Slowly, my vision started fading to black. Find me, Liu Kang. I trust you. Huh, it's funny how three little words can change my mindset.
"Can you kick higher?" Cassie asked me as we trained together.

"My leg still isn't healed, Cass," I informed her.

Two weeks ago, I tore my ACL during a battle. Cassie's dad dismissed me so I could heal, but he saw how jittery I got. I will never be used to sitting and doing nothing. I was kicking with my injured leg to practice fighting through the pain.

Suddenly, the pain became unbearable, and I collapsed on the ground, groaning. Cassie ran to get her dad, leaving me to writhe in pain. I laid my back on the ground and stared up at the sky. I've been with the Cage family my whole life. I felt like I had everything I ever wanted.

But still, I felt like I was missing something. When I thought it was alone, I put my arms over my eyes and took a few deep breaths to ease the pain. I heard footsteps, but I ignored them, thinking they were walking past me.

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