~~My sister is upset you haven't been writing~~

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[What you look like] - Pic up top

[Who you are] - You are Raiden's older sister, Tillie. You are friends with Kung Lao.

[Your Powers] - You can control nature creatures beyond it.

[Context] - You are 15, Raiden is 10, and Kung Lao is 13. You have been ordered to travel the continent helping people with whatever troubles befall them. The only way you can communicate with your brother and best friend is through letters. After Liu Kang chose them as his champions, Kung Lao's letters started to decrease.

As tears fell from our eyes, I hugged my little brother, Raiden, and our best friend Kung Lao. I have been ordered by the elder gods to travel across the world, helping those in need. I have the powers of nature. I can control the weather, even animals. I can control the earth, as well.

I am going to help fight wars and grow crops of food for people to eat. But that requires me to leave my home. Leave my friends. Leave my brother.

I pulled away and grabbed Raiden's hands, "Stay strong, little brother. You don't need me as much as you think. Keep training with Madam Bo. I'd love to see what you can do when I get back."

"Do you have to go? You're too young!" He cried.

I chuckled, "That doesn't mean I can't start being a hero to others. You, soon, will be a hero, too, Raiden. I believe in you."

"I love you, Tillie."

"I love you, too, Raiden."

He stepped back so I could speak to Kung Lao. I met Kung Lao a while before Raiden did. I was the one who introduced the two of them to each other a couple of years ago. Kung Lao avoided eye contact with me because he didn't want me to see him cry.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him, "Kung Lao. Please don't avoid my gaze."

He looked at me, tears in his eyes, "Please don't leave us."

I smiled, sadly, "I have to make the world a better place for you, guys-"

"But that's not your job! Why are you making yourself do this?"

"Because I care. I care for your safety, and I especially care for my brother's safety. Write me. I want you both to write me letters and I will answer as fast as possible."


"Tillie! Time to go!" My and Raiden's parents called from outside.

I grabbed my bags and walked to the front door. I turned to take one last glance at the boys and said softly, "I love you. Both of you. Don't forget to write." Then, I left.

3 days after Tillie left...

Dear Tillie,

I apologize for taking so long to write you. I just wanted you to get to your first destination, but I was not sure when that would've been. Are you okay? Where are you? I know it's been three days, and I know you've once been gone for a week, but, I miss you. A lot. Come back soon. I love you.



Dear little brother,

I'm glad you wrote! I was worried you weren't going to. I am currently in Maine. I will be in this state for a while, then I will move on to the next one. My goal is to make it across the whole continent. That should take a couple of years because I will be staying in each city in each state. I'm alright, thanks for your concern. I miss you, too. I am not used to not hearing your voice every second of the day. I can't guarantee that I will be home as soon as you wish, but I will try to get my work done fast, so I can return to you. I love you, too, little brother.

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