5 Night time trip and a cat

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It was 6:30pm and the Marauders were up in their dorm scheming prank ideas for their last year,
"Remember that idea we got on the train?" Sirius asked excitedly
"Which one?" Remus queried
Sirius chuckled and exclaimed giddily "The one about the mosquito!"
All four boys roared with laughter "I could start working on the spell soon." Stated Remus
"Oh, oh oh!" James shouted suddenly "what if we-" James leaned in to whisper something to the other boys, causing all of them to guffaw loudly

James was having a hard time sleeping tempus He mumbled and in bright blue text the numbers 1:57 am flickered infront of him "padfoot." He whispered hoarsely, no response, he grabbed the map and opened it I solemnly swear that i am up to no good then casted another spell lumos, he watched the map and saw that Regulus black was not in his dorm room, since he was head boy now it was his job to take care of these no good sketchy students sneaking out at night, he got up from his bed and carefully put on his glasses before leaving, and of course he grabbed the cloak, He went down the stairs and strode across the common room like he owned the place, he stopped at the exit and put on the cloak and swung the portrait hole open.

James walked up a windy set of stairs and arrived at the astronomy tower 'so this is where Regulus is' he mused thoughtfully he opened the door and entered the room "Hey Reg!" Woosh As quick as lightning he had his wand pressed into James' neck, James put his hand up in surrender "What did you just call me?" Regulus asked menacingly, his cold grey metallic eyes piercing into James' warm brown ones "I called you Reg, what don't like the name?" He joked questioningly James raised his eyebrows and smirked "If you ever say that your going to be dead meat." Regulus declared flatly still staring at James without looking away. James smirked and stared back into Regulus' bitter eyes "Reg." He whispered playfully Avis instantly a flock of birds appeared and started to violently attack James "ow! Ah! Ouch!" He cried in pain, Regulus conjured the charm away,

"What did you do that for?!" Exclaimed James angrily
"I told you i would." Replied Regulus, James huffed and walked away mumbling a variety of rude words on the way
'Stupid Regulus he thinks hes the best doesn't he? Oh im Regulus and im going to hex you hehe' James thought bitterly, James did not like Regulus and Regulus did not like him either it was a common known fact, 'hes probably laughing about it now him and his sexy laugh, oh god why am i thinking of Regulus' sexy laugh' James thought horrifyingly 'Everyone thinks about Regulus' sexy laugh its fine granted I've never heard him laugh but im sure he has one its a normal thing to think about' James reassured himself

A very flustered and angry James later arrived at the door his room and pulled it open, he crept quietly to bed and laid there for and hour before he fell asleep

It was 5:30am and James was practicing for quidditch he had been declared quidditch captain during the summer and would not disappoint he wanted to be the best he could possibly be and he was scoring through the goal as he hit one through he felt a gush of wind pass him and Regulus black appeared in the peripheral vision, Regulus dived and chucked a ball through the hoops and "hey ReRe!" James yelled from the other side of the the pitch
"What did you just call me." Regulus stared at hin dead panned
"I called u rere like the name?" James shouted back and snickered quietly
"I hate it." Regulus replied boredly
"You practising quidditch?" James questioned curiously as he pushed his broom forwards to come closer.
"What does it look like." Regulus asked sarcastically
"It looks like you're playing quidditch." James stated as he approached Regulus
"Well done 5 points to gyffindor." Regulus sneered mockingly, James gaped "what are you just going to stare?" Regulus said
"Your a prefect! Those are real points." Explained James wide eyed
"And you've never broke the rules? Consider it as a gift." Regulus replied and with that he descended and landed.

James stared shocked at the fact he would carelessly award those points, He smirked and landed his broom 'stupid black' he mused observingly he went to the changing rooms and showered then changed into his clothes he wore black jeans, a white queen shirt and a baggy red jumper in his opinion he looked pretty good he ruffled his hair to make it even more messy and stepped out the changing rooms.

James was walking across the grounds when it happened he saw a cat, a cute lil' tabby cat his brain doesn't function properly when he sees cats obviously so he ran towards it.

"Aww your such a cute kitty aren't you just adorable?" He exclaimed happily whilst petting its head with the sort of voice you'd speak to an animal with, The cat stretched and stared at him with the sternest glare he'd ever seen possible on a cat, now that he had a closer view he noticed that the cat had black markings around its eyes 'strange' he thought confusingly

Then the cat morphed into a human, not any human but his transfiguration teacher... oh shit
James screamed like a little kid and ran away before she could she the growing blush on his face 'what else does he do?' He pondered frantically 'in situations like this the best thing to do is leg it and hope for the best'

James ran all the way to the castle and all the way up the stairs till he reached the gryffindor common room and only then did he stop and take a breather all 3 of the marauders and the gryffindor girls were in the common room 'great' 

"Mate are you alright, don't tell me you ran all the way up here?" Sirius questioned rather amused
"I ran all the way up here from the grounds by the whomping willow," James said dryly obviously still shock from what happened, Sirius snorted,
"Ok what happened though?" Queried Remus smartly

"I-I saw a cat and i was like ooh cute cat im gonna pet it!" Sirius face palmed, "and then i went to pet it and I told her she was a cute cat you know like everyone does? And then- then." A look of horror crossed his face "then it became professor mcgonagall and i just screamed and ran you know like everyone would do?" He explained shakily,
Sirius was full on laughing, Peter was dumbfounded, Remus was stifling a laugh, Marlene was gaping, Mary was flabbergasted and Lily was snickering quietly.
"So," she laughed "so you just ran away without saying anything?" Lily giggled and asked as if he was stupid, which he was,
"Well yes," he admitted shamefully he looked down in embarrassment "she didn't look to happy about it,"

James groaned sadly "i have transfiguration in the morning tomorrow as well!" He cried embarrassingly,
All the marauders laughed including Marlene, Mary and Lily were trying to hold their laughs but failed miserably in the end.
"You're hopeless Prongs." Observed Remus amusingly, James grumbled and went to his dorm miserably,
He slumped onto his bed and laughed at his stupidity he was amazed how dumb he could be he stuffed his head into a pillow tomorrow was gonna be so embarrassing.

"Hey prongs?" Sirius half yelled "do you wanna do a prank to feel better?"
"Sure what is it?" James grinned


HEY 1341 words pretty cool huh? What prank do you think they're gonna do? I got an idea in mind already but if u want give suggestions u can i don't think anyone is reading this tho lol.

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