6 Everlasting darkness and disagreements

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Regulus black woke up to find it was rather dark in the dorms tempus he muttered the words appeared in bright flashing numbers


He usually got up at this time and it was never this dark he wondered why maybe it was because it was September? No that can't be it, its still bright at this time in late September, 'this is so weird' he thought cluelessly 'what's happening,'

Regulus went over to the window and opened the curtains a crack as to not wake up his roommates it was pitch black 'strange'
If there was one thing Regulus Black didn't like it was being in the dark, literally, he hated not knowing things and he had no idea what was happening ugh he didn't care it was probably just some weird shit, Regulus went to the bathroom and got dressed into his robes, then exited the dorms he walked down the staircase and noticed the common room was dark as well odd

Deciding to ignore this and pass it off as simply just a mere coincidence he strode across the common room and exited, the hallways were pitch black as well all the curtains were open but the windows were emitting no light 'he couldn't see, shit this was bad,' he panicked 'how will he get to breakfast?!' Regulus remembered he was a wizard he casted a simple lumos and headed to the great hall.

After walking for what felt like ages he made it to the great hall at 6:55 the great hall was also dark his gaze subconsciously turned to the Gryffindor table where all four of the marauders were laughing their heads off 'of course, its a silly prank' he thought 'its quite a genius prank idea though' he found himself looking at one Gryffindor in particular, James, he remembered the other night as if it was happening at this very moment,

he had been in the astronomy tower as usual and someone came in and out of all people it had been James bloody Potter,
the nerve of him, then James just decided to call him Reg, Like come on?! Then he said it again, That James is really so annoying, so obviously like any normal person he sent a flock of birds after James, 'to be honest he looked pretty cute whilst getting attacked and- What am i thinking?!' 'Did i just think James was hot?!' Oh no

Regulus just couldn't believe himself, he kept thinking these thoughts about James, 'he's not even that hot, i don't know whats gotten into me?' When he played quidditch yesterday James just happened to be there and maybe he went there on purpose to see James play 'It was to see his opponents skill' his mind protested 'but he did look pretty hot in his quidditch gear.' 'Ugh i need to snap out of this, im going to get some fresh air,' he decided

Regulus closed the book he was reading and put it his bag which he proceeded to swing over his shoulder and exit the library.

Regulus walked across the grounds till he arrived in his spot which was by a tree that had a view of the black lake but was covered by other trees so nobody could find it, he sat down and started to read his book again.

"Hey Regulus, Reggie!" The loud obnoxious voice of James potter rung through his ears
"What?" Regulus sneered obviously annoyed at the fact James ruined his peace and quiet
"I didn't see you at lunch so I decided to bring some." James admitted shyly

Oh yeah i forgot to eat lunch, but wait he noticed me?!
"Why do you care?" He snapped back defensively,

Sirius probably set him up to it to make fun of me,
Regulus glared at James before closing his book and getting up and leaving
"Wait Regulus I didn't mean to offend you i was just worried." James shouted hurriedly as he ran up to Regulus
Regulus turned around to face him rage showing on his face

"You know whats your problem James? You always think you can fix everything, Well you can't, some things you can't fix so maybe you should stop worrying about me and should start worrying about yourself after what im going to do to you if you don't get away in 5 seconds." He spat breathing heavily and there was a furious enraged look in his eyes,

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