8 sad gloop and slippery beans

35 3 4

Regulus marched to his potions class gracefully, he groaned as he realised Potter would be there, and he would be asking questions about that, Regulus didn't even know why he did it himself,

"Its because you pity him." he reassured himself

But the truth is, well he didn't even know! Why did he do it, he was so frustrated with himself he almost walked straight into the door, Regulus took a step back and opened it, and then walked to his seat in the middle of the class next to Barty and Evan,

Slughorn clapped his hands together to gain attention, the class fell silent

"Today i will group you into 2s to make,The draught of living death, can anyone tell me what this potion is?"

That Gryffindor girl, Lily?, something like that, Regulus couldn't remember, shot her hand up

"Yes miss Evans?," Slughorn asked

"It is the most powerful potion causing the drinker to fall into a coma like state," Evans answered

"Correct! Five points to Gryffindor, miss Evans." Slughorn exclaimed cheerfully,

"The pairs will be Crouch and Lupin, Mulcibur and Evans, Avery and Pettigrew" Slughorn annouced, "and can Sirius Black and Snape pair up-"

"Awhh come on professor! You couldn't have put me with anyone else?" Sirius shouted angrily from the back of the class
Slughorn decided to ignore this and carry on,

"Rosier and Macdonald, Mckinnon and Meadows and Regulus Black and Potter," Slughorn stated,
Regulus picked up his bag and begrudgingly trudged towards Potters seat, whilst the rest of the class swapped around,

"Hiya reg!" Exclaimed Potter as he grinned, Regulus scowled
"Don't call me reg." Regulus stated threateningly
"Yessir!" Potter saluted , Regulus ignored this and opened his textbook, gesturing for Potter to do the same,
James hurriedly flipped his book open,

"I need you to get the ingredients and i'll add the stuff in," Regulus announced flatly

"Okay!" Potter agreed as he dashed away towards the cabinet, Regulus set up his cauldron and waited,

"Im back!" Potter said whilst he walked towards Regulus laden with an armful of ingredients,
Regulus sighed and turned his head the other way, giving a small smile as he did, 'Potter really is hopeless,' he thought as he shook his head in disbelief,

Potter plopped down the ingredients and read the page on how to make liquid luck,

The Draught Of Living Death
Ingredients                  Recipe
                                                      Set the temperature of the cauldron to 200°c
infusion of wormwood            Add the infusion of wormwood whilst stirring
Powdered root of Asphodel Turn the temperature of the cauldron to 150° Sprinkle the Asphodel in then stir twice clockwise
Sloth brain                    Add in one brain of a sloth and mush it up
Sopophorus bean                        Cut a sopophorus bean to release the juice, once all the juice is in the cauldron, discard it
                                                        Stir seven times counter-clockwise

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