7 black spots and fake tears

50 4 6

The marauders had pulled a rather risky prank
They put spells over the windows to block the lights, pretty cool huh?


James entered the dorm from quidditch practice and got ready for the day, as he was about to leave for breakfast he heard the sound of crying and mumbling, he turned to look at Sirius' bed where the noise was coming from,

"Sirius?" He whispered gently, he climbed over to Sirius' bed and pulled the curtains open, Sirius was tossing and turning, mumbling strange things he couldn't understand, his shirt stuck to him from the sweat

"Sirius, are you alright?" He asked softly, Sirius' eyes shot open
"Regulus, Regulus! Where is he, hes dead they did it," he wailed urgently, "i did it," he added horrified,

Sirius was shaking from shock of it, and had tears streaming down his face

"Sirius, its fine, Regulus is safe, they can't get you, you haven't done anything, its all just a dream," James assured him in the same tone he had been using,

then ignoring the fact that Sirius was currently drenched in sweat and got in the bed and hugged Sirius, who gripped him tightly.

James could hear Sirius repeating the same words over and over again "hes fine, hes fine," Sirius voice cracked
he repeated these words till his breathing slowed down, and he was calm again.

"Can you tell me what happened in your dream?" James asked politely

"Regulus, he he was dead and I-I did it they made me." He whispered hoarsely, he let out another sob and buried his head into James' chest, which had multiple wet patches from Sirius' tears
"Shh its alright its alright," James reassured Sirius "how about you get ready its already 6:20." James urged softly

Sirius got up and begrudgingly trudged over to the bathroom and shut the door with a click, he let out another sorrowful wail

James smirked to himself as he realised their prank had worked successfully, he walked over to moony's bed and slid open the curtains, and shook him gently

"what?" Remus murmured sleepily whilst rubbing his eyes
"Our prank worked!" James exclaimed giddily doing a victory dance as if he were a child,
Remus smiled and rolled out of bed and glanced over to the windows his grin widened as he realised their prank had been successful


Sirius exited the bathroom with drenched hair, James noticed droplets of water falling from Sirius' wet hair onto the floor,
"SIRIUS!" James screeched, Sirius murmured a quick sorry and wrapped his soaking wet hair in a towel,

"Why are you using my towel?" James questioned horrified, remus snickered behind him and quickly woke up peter motioning for him to be silent,

"You're towel? I've been using this for weeks, its mine!" Exclaimed Sirius,

James snatched the towel from the top of Sirius' head causing him to accidentally yank Sirius' hair in the process, James pointed to the bottom of the towel where in small letters it read


Sirius blushed immediately realising he had been using James' towel,

"You guys have been using the same towel!?" Remus giggled in disbelief

"Hey at least it wasn't their body towel," Peter chimed in holding back a laugh

"It is thats the worst part," Remus informed him and they erupted into laughter

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