10 Pepper and Pranks

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"Alright lads" Sirius clapped his hands together "Whats the plan?"

All four of the Marauders were sitting on James' bed, curtains closed, but the moonlight still streamed through them

Peter dragged the silk blanket up and pulled it over himself, once he saw James staring at him with disbelief, he whined

"Its cold okay?"

"Mate i dunno about you but im bloody burning!" Exclaimed James

"Maybe because you have a jumper on!" Observed Sirius as he shook head "honestly!"

"Oh!" James realised stupidly

"Alright back to planning!" Remus announced, everyone snapped back to position, and listened attentively,

"Sirius get the book out!" Yawned James, Sirius scrambled over to his bedside drawer and pulled out a forest green book with the words Homework Planner written in gold swirly letters,

Sirius flicked it open to the 5th page, They all huddled around the book and stared eagerly at the prank ideas written on there,

"Ooh how about that one!" Peter exclaimed pointing at the words which read Pepper pumpkin juice delight

"Oh yeah!" James agreed

"Sure!" said Sirius

"Alright lads! Off to bed now we have a very exciting mission tomorrow morning!" Announced James, as he snatched his blanket from Peter, who gave a sheepish grin then jumped off the bed "I'll wake you guys up alright?" James shouted, a murmur of approval coming from the occupied beds, James was basically the alarm clock of the group.

James scrambled over to Sirius' bed knowing he would take long to wake up,
"Sirius up! Up!" James screamed quietly

"Whats the time?" Sirius mumbled, as he rolled over onto his back

"4am now get up!" Responded James as he went over to Remus' bed

"Bloody hell!" Sirius exclaimed as he got dressed

"Remus get up!" He said whilst yanking open the curtains, James strode over to Peters bed next

"Come on Pete wakey wakey!" He clapped his hands together

"Eh?" Muttered Peter sleepily "oh yeah the prank," he remembered,

Once everyone was dressed and ready, James grabbed the cloak, the map and the ten pound bag of black pepper, and arranged it into a neat pile on the floor, Remus grabbed a pack of red and gold tea candles and arranged it into a circle around the objects, Then he lit it with his wand, all four marauders stood in a messy circle around the peculiar items,

James who was at the front of the circle shouted "TO THE GODS OF PRANKING WE PRAY FOR A SUCCESSFUL MISSION!"

"To the gods of pranking we pray for a successful mission!" Chanted the rest of the group

"We, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs dedicate our mischief to the godly prank masters!" announced Peter

"We Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs dedicate our mischief to the godly prank masters!" They chanted

"We pray for a successful and hilarious prank that won't result in failure!" Sirius yelled

"We pray for a successful and hilarious prank that won't result in failure!" All four of them chanted

"To the mischievous, miraculous, mystical gods of the pranks, we pray!" added Remus

"To the mischievous, miraculous, mystical gods of the pranks, we pray!" The group chanted

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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