Vol 1: Week 3 (1)

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Hi! The weather is getting cold in my country 😴😴 How is it going for you guys?


Their third meeting, contrary to Karlyle's expectations, is not a week later. In the meantime, time just passes by without a set date. Ash said he would contact him, but it has been four days with no calls from him. Karlyle knows that Ash will call him when he has time, however, he's nervous for no reason. It feels like he's hitting an unresolved issue.

The same as the time when he had a contract that was difficult to finalize and was dragged on for a long time. His nerves are on edge and he's upset for several days. This feeling is so annoying. They are running out of time. His mother is pushing the preparations for the wedding. If things go on like this, their wedding will be held next month.

His father did mention that the wedding date had been roughly decided. How ridiculous it is that he doesn't know his own wedding date. However, he has no voice in this. It's also up to Ash Jones whether this marriage can proceed, isn't it?

He is powerless, and time is running. So this impatience of his is an inevitable phenomenon.

Since he can't break the news to his parents that they will break off the engagement right before the wedding, he has to tell them at least within three weeks from now. The clock doesn't stop ticking and he feels so useless. Standing up, he walks to the mirror. In the full-length mirror is a man dressed in a party suit.

A tailored black three-piece suit with a bow tie. Beneath his neatly slicked back hair is the expressionless face as always. The cold and sharp edges of his face may be depicted as good-looking, but he has no eye-catching charms like Ash Jones.

Maybe the reason Ash hasn't contacted him is because he feels awkward meeting up with him.

It bugs him why he hasn't received any calls or texts from Ash. Omega may find his kind of personality and appearance attractive and Alpha-like, but there's no way another Alpha would like it. Even if Ash also dates Alpha, he just doesn't think he can attract Ash.

Suddenly, his self-esteem drops to zero. He shouldn't think like this. How funny it is to compare appearance and personality. At least when he meets Omega, he won't have to think about this matter.

There's no need to fall into these thoughts. Ash has no intention of getting married from the beginning, so he has no reason to show off himself to Ash. He only needs to gain enough favor from him and to not go against his wishes to continue their relationship.

...Although he thinks at least, they have some sparks between them.

A hint of regret briefly makes its appearance in his heart. Not noticing that emotion, he looks away from the mirror. There are days when he feels down. Probably because of the weather. On rainy days, the unique gloominess of this country always invades his inner side.

He has been hearing the sound of raindrops bouncing off the transparent glass window since morning. Today, in the evening, there will be Marquis Phillip Gordon's salon party, which has been prepared several months ago. However, the weather is not the best. This is typical British weather, but the moisture in the air makes him feel uncomfortable. His lips clench in upset.

Although he has lived a life without major curves, he has unpleasant memories of rainy days. Now that he's a grown-up, it doesn't feel like a big deal anymore, but the incident of that day remains engraved in his heart. Memories of the past run through his head.

Karlyle spent most of his childhood with his grandfather as his mother's condition after she gave birth to Kyle wasn't good. It wasn't a bad time. Thanks to Arthur, he learned how to do his part.

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