CHAPT-5 (secret's and, brother?)

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I don't actually know how the story would unfold but first I'm just going to write everything like skip? When y/n is already old enough that's when I'm going to start her story even 1st pov and her adventures too.


Time skip a year*

A year has passed, and Y/n had grown significantly, now standing up and confidently walking around her nursery room. However, something had changed within her. With a neutral and blank expression on her face 'mostly just being her normal expression', she had discovered her powers a year ago and had been secretly practicing them ever since.

'I wonder is this some kind of gift that thing gave me when they send me off here? I know I just called that god thing...but oh well'


A certain someone doing he's own business somewhere. 'did someone just called me? Oh maybe I'm just imagining.. did I hear it right?.. a thing? Nuh I might be hearing things' while continuing on sending souls.

As Y/n moved around the room, her small hands subtly gestured, causing objects to levitate and float in the air.

'Like telekinesis? I can control things whatever i want... Though it's taking a lot of my energy.. maybe because I'm still a kid?' Y/n thought as she tried to keep the object's afloat.

Y/n had learned to control her powers with just luck in skill, but isn't really that good since it seems whenever she uses her abilities she always gets tired easily and also this light floating around her that she couldn't quite explain what.

Keeping her abilities hidden from others. Her neutral expression masked the intensity of her focus and determination to try and learn 'this' new powers that she isn't familiar off, that she did imagine when she was still a kid in her past life.

As the objects fell on the floor y/n suddenly felt dizzy, her hand dropping to her side and trying to balance herself.

'hm... Ten minutes that's not so bad. I've been training myself to control how to levitate objects in more time, and I'm glad i could do it for ten minutes now, the first time I tried to learn it, I could only levitate one object and it's only in three seconds.'

To protect her future family and her siblings she promised herself to train more harder, she doesn't wanted anyone of them to experience hardship like in the anime, she doesn't know how she's going to do it but she'll do everything even just to make their childhood even happier.

'argh.. katakuri~ and pudding~ wait for older sister!' and started training again.

The nursery room, once filled with colorful toys and playful decorations, now had an air of mystery. Y/n had rearranged the room to create a secret training ground for honing her powers. Books on magic that she found for some reason and some kind of artifacts that she doesn't know what, it's like necklace, bracelet and even rings, they were carefully placed on shelves and some other places like chest.

Y/n's powers were not to be taken lightly. She had discovered her ability to manipulate objects, harness energy, and even influence the thoughts and emotions of those around her. With each passing day, her control over these powers grew stronger, and she delved deeper into understanding their origins and limits.

Despite her young age, Y/n possessed, a wisdom and maturity beyond her years. She knew the importance of keeping her powers a secret, aware of the potential consequences if others were to discover her abilities. Her blank expression served as a shield, concealing her true potential from prying eyes and only using her cute sides sometimes to act innocence and using her naive side,  like how children would act as.

As Y/n continued to practice in her hidden sanctuary, she yearned for guidance and understanding. She sought to unravel the mysteries of her powers, to discover their purpose and how she could use them for good. Deep down, she knew that her abilities held great potential, but she also understood the responsibility that came with wielding such power as she already knows having great power has a great responsibility too.

In this time, y/n's journey takes a more introspective turn. It explores her discovery of her powers and her commitment to mastering them. The neutral expression on her face reflects her determination and focus, as she navigates the complexities of her newfound abilities. It sets the stage for a future filled with self-discovery, growth, and the exploration of her powers' true potential.

Y/n pov*

'Finally! I'm able to go out of my room, even though valentine is still guiding me, I guess I'm still really just still a kid, if i remember valentine said mama would like to see me. But even so as long as i get to at least get out of my room and explore this massive ship then it's alright i guess I'll just talk to my mother about it' 

As i and valentine walked across the hallway of the ship we then came across a really big door as valentine stopped walking and looked at me with a smile, while also looking slightly nervous?.

In the distance i can already hear some kind of... A baby's cry? Wait, baby?

Valentine then looked at me again then at the door as she opened it.


Hi! Just wanna cut it a bit hehe ☺️✨

Just came back from a cosplay event in our school. Just cosplayed esdeath!

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