CHAPT- 8 (New chapt starts)

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I then opened the door to my nursery room, noticing another crib just in the middle of the room as my face lightened up.


I then toddles into the room, my eyes wide with excitement. As i spot my baby brother, peros, sleeping peacefully in his crib. With an excited smile, i then uses my unique ability to place a small stool underneath me to levitate the object, i don't seem to feel any presence anyways, as i move up to the crib's edge.

"Hi, baby candy minister! It's me, your big sister!" I said in whisper and playfull tone, with a mischievous smirk on my face, just wanting to mess with him even though he's still a baby, i just can't help it, knowing what the future would be.

I then leans over the crib, my tiny hands gripping the edge, as I gazes at little perospero with adoration, eyes sparkling with joy.

"Perospero, Guess what? Today, I went and suddenly meet Edward Newgate! And I explored the big ship all by myself! Though it's kinda on accedent, cuz suddenly got lost, it's my first time going out of the nursery room with myself after all, anyways. There were so many interesting things to see and touch too!" Y/n just started to talk non stop.

'How did I get lost in the first place anyways, I'm not that bad of direction though...'

I said to perospero telling him story about what happened to me just a while ago.

"wish for you to grow up already, so i could play with you brother. Oh right i have something for you"

I reached into my pocket and pulls out a small candy, holding it up for perospero to see.

"Look peros, I got this for you. It's a special present from my little adventure a while ago, I found this on the kitchen when i got lost and found myself there, It reminded me of you, so I brought it back". I said with a smile, remembering that he had a devil fruit too on the show, he's fruit was a candy devil fruit, and minister of candy too.

Y/n then carefully places the candy on the edge of the crib, ensuring that perospero can see it.

'It doesn't matter if he accedently ate it, he's family, i mean our family has sweet tooth anyways does he already have a tooth though?.'

"I wish we could adventure with me in the future, peros. We could explore some island together, i want to know what adventure we could have if we actually did, and what adventure and hardship you've had in those times you were a kid, maybe in those times you were a kind and innocent child right?,... But for now, I'll be your big sister and tell you all about my exciting journeys that I'll be having in the near future, knowing mama would be calling for me soon and i needed to meet up with the crew"

I whispered to my brother with slight sad and worried expression as i tried not to let a tear fall down on my cheek, that's just so sad, i don't want to think about it, it's just that for some reason i already feel connected, even though I've never been this close to anyone, to everyone or even to you peros, but even so i would like to change that and be the sister i can be, and this time, i will be the oldest child of the Charlotte family.

Valentine then walk inside the room to check on perospero, Y/n not noticing valentine came in as she keeps poking the baby's cheek while he sleeps, valentine watches the heartwarming scene unfold, her eyes filled with warmth and affection, she's the only one that would care for the children even knowing who this children's are.

'this children... would be really dangerous in the future'

"Y/n i didn't know you were here, have you explored the ship already?"

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