Chapter - 10 (candy)

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"heh~ seems like you guys are having fun" you said to yourself after finally arriving on the room on this cave where the enemies is, it's really bigger than you thought was on the inside, you smiled wickedly and stared at them dead in the eyes.

They looked surprised as they readied their weapons looking at you wary.

"Tsk... A kid? Hah! Oy what do you think your doing here? Huh Princess? Don't you know that it's dangerous to wander around without guards around you?" 

The guy said who seems to be thier leader, and started walking up to you, that nickname made you want to puke not liking how you are being called like that.

"Uh boss... I-i think I've seen her before.." one of the said boss, this idiot spoke off not really wanting to know their name's or wanting to know in the first place.

"Hah?! She's only a little girl! She could sell a high price!" The boss said as he looked back at his men and back to you when he suddenly reached out for your hair and that's when you lose it.

You cut of his arm, you didn't think they even saw it, the boss looks confused as he stared at his hand then screamed at his cut off hand spurted with blood around as he held his now cut off missing hand.

"Disgusting... disgusting, I don't want to be touched by such filthy bastard!-" you screamed out looking really pissed off when you suddenly unconsciously cut of the leaders head with the sword in your hold, the head of the guy falls off onto the ground followed by his body.

'hah... What? Ahh I don't know what to do! I almost got touched! The only people who's allowed to touch me are my siblings!' you thought to yourself angrily glaring at the enemies.

the enemies stared in shock in the distance as they started backing off, they looked scared they didn't even see what you did.

'i knew it..she.. she is.. that little monster... That woman's first child... and daughter!!' one of the guys said still looking terrified. He seems to be thinking really hard and so is the others.

"She's dangerous... You guys be careful, she might look like a little girl but.. she has a bounty of 70 million already, we even don't know how she got it" whispered by one of them to their men, they all nodded.

'ah.. are they planning on escaping?... I won't let them' you readied your next attack changing the position of your body into a fighting position with one of you leg behind and the others on the front as you readied to strike.

You then leaped towards them as some started to run, you got to one of the guys from behind with a brown hair that looked scared for his life, he grabbed his weapon and pointed at you.

You smiled as your weapon changed shape into a scythe and cut off his head before moving to the next.

It's strange how you never really felt anything when you first killed someone or even this time, your even smiling for some reason as you started massacring them one by one, maybe because your already used to the bloods.

Some of them can take a fight for a few seconds, now that you actually looked at it, there's even slaves, you think this might actually be a small organisation, you looked around again seeing them carrying what seems to be a barrell ordering the people who's chained in the wrist, ankle and even their neck.

The enemy right right in front of you, that your facing almost cut your neck off when you then dodged it in time as you jumped back and smiled.

"Ah~ that was really close..." You muttered to yourself as you run of to your opponent cutting his limbs off easily with just a few swings of your scythe.

"Hey! Move it already! You lowly idiots!" A man that looked like his about to piss himself off shouted while holding a gun as he kicked a woman in the back that's carrying the said barrell as she lets go of it accidentally.

"Ah! I-im sorry! Please have mercy! Don't kill me please!" The woman shouted curling into a ball as the guy continued to kick her.

"This is annoying..." You muttered as you appeared behind the guy, and swung your scythe horizontally cutting the guys head off.

'shit..did I overdo it?.. I'm still a five year old little girl though? This will be a lot of trouble... I kept forgetting I'm still a kid' you thought to yourself worriedly as the scythe in your hand desapeard.

The woman who was on the ground slowly looked up looking terrified she didn't seem to notice you as the guy's body who you cut the heads off fell onto the ground, it made the woman screamed in horror as the blood got onto her face.

You stared at an another entrance in front of you where some of the enemies run off too, you didn't really mind them escaping since it's not your fault anymore, only 3 of them escaped after all.

You then looked at the woman who is still on the ground staring at the dead body of the guy who was just kicking her in horror.

' I didn't mean it' you thought to yourself looking a little regrettable for showing that to the woman, you admit the way you fight is a bit brutal.. maybe not even a bit.

You then turned to your hills to leave then something caught your eyes on the ground that it made you surprised.

"A.. devil fruit?"

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