CHAPT-6 (baby brother?!)

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Y/n pov*

A cozy and brightly decorated bedroom awaits as i walk inside mamas room all pink and some sweet foods on her tables while looking around, i then noticed mama sitting on her bed, me being curious and excited at the same time, she looks slightly tired though? No maybe I'm mistaken there's no way she's tired haha. Right?

'Is it really what i think it is?' as I slowly walked towards her. My eyes widened with anticipation as i saw mama holding a baby and he looked exactly like peros, gently cradling the newborn baby peros in her arms.

I took a hesitant steps forward, my heart suddenly feeling weird in some kind of fondness with a mix of wonder and nervousness. I then approach mama more, who smiles at me widely.

"Come, my dear, meet your baby brother"

Mama said with her soft voice, her looking at me with a wide smile on her face, waiting for me to come, more closer to her,

As i did so, walking a little more closer towards her while feeling slightly nervous and excited at the same time.

My eyes sparkle with delight as i peer into the arms of mama, my still small hands reaching out to touch perospero's tiny fingers.

'as I remember it's been a year now so I guess peros should be born already'

"Hello, brother, I'm your big sister, Y/n" I whispered to him not even caring if he already understood me or not, as i felt really weird inside my chest. 

'now that I'm thinking about it, I've always been acting like a kid since the time i started growing up little by little have i actually become a kid really?... Maybe it's just an instinct since I'm still a kid, I'm still an adult inside after all...'.

As little perospero's, eyes suddenly fluttered open. My face lighting up with joy as our eyes meet for the first time.

'He doesn't even have that long tongue on the anime, maybe because he's still a baby?, it might grow and suddenly show up as he grows older since one of the past scene of katakuri perospero is shown there too'.

Mama then suddenly places the baby in my arms, i looked surprised at first but then welcomed it, i slowly guided my hands carefully to support the fragile bundle of 'joy' while also knowing this little kid would be the minister of candy in the future, but who cares? Maybe i could change that and it's not like it's going to happen now anyways, i then smiled.

I gazed down at my brother, a mix of tenderness and protectiveness washing over me all of a sudden as i suddenly felt sad and joy at the same time. 'why does this thing look so cute for some reason?'

'And why Am I being protective all of a sudden?.. is it like what those siblings feel like?and maybe... because i just remembered my past life?, what's wrong with me all of a sudden?' I then gently and slowly hugged my brother.

"I promise to take care of you and be the best big sister i can be brother." I whispered to my brother so mama won't hear it.

Perospero then lets out a soft coo, as if understanding the word i just said.

'I guess he's still a baby right now, i just wish you won't turn out as a jerk... I apologize for saying that brother' with a blank and nonchalant expression

I thought to myself, while feeling sad and disappointed inside for the future if that actually really still happens.

I then looked at mama still holding peros, carefully to not drop him by accident since my arms are still so small i wish to grow up already.

"Mama, what's he's name?" I asked curiously my voice coming out in a cute way even so i can already speak full words for being a one year old, maybe because it was a gene, i still wandered who my father is in this life even now, but who cares anyways, who knows?.

Mama then watches me holding my brother really carefully and protectively

"He's name is perospero, Charlotte perospero, my dear Charlotte, y/n" mama said while ruffling my hair as i half closed my eyes from the touch.

"I know you would protect your siblings , i expect a lot from you, y/n" mama said i can even hear it on her tone and the glint on her eyes, she then grab a cake besides her and started eating, i only looked back at peros again

'I already knew my future isn't so bright but, at least this time, i want to have a great bond with all my siblings, i don't care what happens to others but I'll only care for them'.

I then smiled still looking at perospero in my hand, a newfound sense of responsibility and connection blossoming within myself. I then gently 'tried' to rock my baby brother 'since I'm small i at least want to be careful', cherishing this precious moment of my Very first bonding.

My first sibling, my brother.

I then looked up to my mother as i wanted to talk to her about something.

"Ah, right mama i was think-" I was about to say something about talking to her when she suddenly cut me off by taking peros away from me and saying that she would talk to me next time, she sends off peros to the nursery room, i already knew she's not going to take care of him anyways, and just going to visit around, saying she is busy.

But anyways, I'm alone now... What am i going to do I've been left alone?. 

"What am i supposed to do now?, well at least maybe i can do something now that i can move freely!" I said to myself as i then ran off outside mamas room and suddenly bumping into something hard or actually, someone

"What the fuc-?..."


Earlier before y/n walked inside Linlin's room.

"Miss, actually your mother has called you for something, and i think you would be surprised" valentine said as she looked down at the small form of Y/n besides her.

Y/n only looked confused,then she suddenly looked surprised when she heard the sound of a crying baby behind the door where they are standing up, as Linlin's voice spoke behind the door indicating that y/n can come inside now.

Valentine then looked at little y/n taking her hand gently away from holding y/n's little one.

"It's fine.. I can take it from here valen" y/n said to valen as she smiled sounding slightly gibberish.

'argh, why do i have to pretend to act cute anyways?!, am i really going crazy?! I'm an adult!... I meant inside yes, but still I'm an adult!'

Y/n then opened the door, walked inside, while valentine only looked at Y/n with a worried expression as she smiled.


It's 1:21 am and i have school tomorrow at 11 o clock 😵‍💫.

1198 words

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