Chapter 18 (wrapped)

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"... Hmm well I didn't expect that kind of event to happen, but it sure is interesting... By adding another race in that world.. did I perhaps... Change something?...oh well, What's wrong that could happen anyways?" the entity spoke her devine self floating into the void her shadow like appearance floating around as her eyes stared into a glitchy screen in front of her.

With y/n, the girl who she reincarnated, who is now on the screen watching her with a smile.


Edward Newgate walk back towards the others with Y/n in his arms, unconscious with wounds and scratches around her body, valentine looks surprised as her eyes widden.

"Goodness, Y/n-sama are you alright?" Valentine spoke as she ran up towards Newgate, taking Y/n in his arms towards valentine, Edward didn't mind it as he glance at the other Charlotte's who looks scared and worried and looking surprised.

They didn't expect their older sister to actually looked like this, they never even saw their sister looking like this.

Perospero and katakuri ran up towards valentine and started asking Y/n who is unconscious to wake up looking scared.

Katakuri started thinking maybe it's his fault because his the one who started this first by wanting to know what is going on, his brother even tried stopping him but didn't listen, and now this is what happened.

Valentine started walking back towards the ship, while Edward took care of the enemies, the other Charlotte's also running towards where y/n is.

Y/n didn't know what just happened, when she suddenly started to slowly wake up finding herself in a soft mattress of a (f/c) bed.

Groaning slightly as she rubbed her forehead in pain feeling a dizziness coming Into her head, then she started remembering a few memories of the event that just happened.

When her head slowly calmed down she then looked around again, seems like she's already back in the ship, was she perhaps brought back hers by Edward? Well that's kind of weird.

Looking around again to only notice her siblings in the room as well sleeping on the bed, not noticing it earlier when she woke up.

Katakuri laying on her lap with his arms wrapped around her waist, his saliva literally dripping down from the blanket, you let out a chuckle seeing him like that.

The other two is also on top of you just below katakuri where your feet is, on your left is perospero on the other is the little cracker with her other twins, you didn't see the other girls.

And the quintuplets that is when you glance at your side seeing the five sleeping on the couch laying on each other as they slept.

'The Room's going to get more crowded in the near future' you thought while you started to laugh, when you noticed compote walking inside the room with a two years old brulé in her hand, while also holding a plate of food in the other.

Brulé is holding a small bunny doll in her arms while looking curious, when she spotted you that your awake she smiled happily and started to run after you.

While the quadruplet girls played with brulé's other twin in the corner of the room as well.

"Oh y/n big sis your awake, are you felling alright?" Compote asked Also noticing that you are also awake now, brulé jump on the bed hitting the four year old cracker making him stir awake along with the others.

"Haha, yeah.. though I'm confused, what are all of you doing in here? It's crowded" you said with a smile your throat slightly dry, you wandered how much you've been unconscious.

"Here, have some water first, you've been knocked out for two days big sis" compote said as she handed you a gladd of water which you took gratefully giving her a thanks before taking a sip.

The others also started to walk up, Daifuko slowly waking up along with perospero, and katakuri who rubbed their eyes awake.

"Heh, good morning" you said to them with a smirk chuckling a bit when katakuri suddenly smiled and started hugging you saying how you are awake now.

There's also perospero who's telling katakuri to be careful since their big sister just only woke up.

On the other hand oven was only going to wake up when he suddenly rolled to the side of the bed your expression taken by suprise thinking he might fall when he suddenly rolled back in the bed making him fully awake and confused on what just happened.

The others looking suprise how your able to do that, right you never actually really told them, maybe they thick it's a devil fruit? You can see the little spirits who made oven rolled back to her side.

Looking confused as you stared at your hand.

'huh... I can control it easily now?'.

Giving the now empty glass of water back to compote the others started surrounding you asking questions on how you are felling, you only let out a nervous laugh feeling happy and glad that your siblings is alright.

You now wandered what happened to that guy, you didn't kill him that's for sure when Edward Newgate arrived and picked you up.

Was he perhaps killed? And what happened to kaido? You didn't notice it at first just remembering it now that kaido was there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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